It is way too hot here in the summer! LOL! You don't feel like doing anything!! Not even walking much less riding a bike or running or anything!! I go swimming but all I want to do is lounge around, not actually swim and it is so frustrating for me.
I am off of the hippo, have been for awhile, I think a lot of it has to do with my life as of late, I have been super stressed about money and all of the things that everyone else is stressed out about so I am digging deep and trying to get back to a routine, it's hard, I know this but sometimes it seems too hard I am not up really except for the 3lbs that I lose and gain again but it sucks! The heat plays a big role in this because it is miserable outside, but that is not an excuse I'm not trying to make them just letting you know where my mind set is.
So back to motivation, I am trying to get my motivation back because honestly I have been feeling like crap lately because I am not exercising like I used to or eating completely right so my body is not happy, it is craving carbs again because I have been feeding it carbs again so I basically have to start from the beginning and this is where I usually give up, throw in the towel say 57lbs is good enough!
But it's not good enough, I am still obese, I have made great strides but I have not finished the race! I still have a long run ahead of me and I do intend to finish it no matter how long it takes! It is not an option, it has never been an option to not finish, to sit on the sidelines while other pass me by because I am too winded to get my fat butt up and run! So no surrender no retreat!!! LOL!! It's a battle cry because this is a battle!
So all of my weight warriors put on your battle armor with me and let kick some cellulite butt!!! What do you say are you with me!?!?!?!?
If you are easly offended DON'T watch this video!
Posted in on 8:30 PM by Valinda
This is me stating my opinion and views, it is not meant to hurt or offend anyone but I believe in what I am saying and it works for me.
You were warned ;)
Please know I don't think this will offend anyone but I want to make sure because it is not my intention!
You were warned ;)
Please know I don't think this will offend anyone but I want to make sure because it is not my intention!
Posted in on 8:42 PM by ValindaSo I was parusing the web looking for kindred spirits in the blog world that are trying to loose weight and get healthy, I googled "weight loss blogs" and got about 40 million results back, but anywho so I start clicking away looking for a good blog, new ideas just to connect you know what blogs are for right?
First blog I click on cute girl losing weight, funny, smart yada yada, I liked it! Click blog #2 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick, ok I get that click blog #3 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick . . .hmmmmmm ok click blog #4 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick! WTF so I strat clicking like a crazy person, click click click crap crap crap!! I found only 2 blog that were actual people sharing their stories the rest was scams! This is why we are so messed up when it comes to being healthy! We don't know what the heck to believe!
It's confusing, do this cleanse, eat this magic cookie, take 40 of these pills with every meal, it goes on and on and on. I was so pissed by the time I was done I wanted to eat a Snickers! Really folks there is no one thing that is going to make you thinner, the only person that has control of that is you! Decide what is important to you and then research eatubg healthy NOT dieting. You must change your lifestyle, your attitude your life, period. Thats the only thing that will really work and the best part?? It's FREE! You don't have to buy special food everyday or consistantly by pills or shakes, you can just eat regular food just make better choices.
So that's my rant for today! See you all tomorrow! 3 day weekend!!!!
Posted in on 2:35 PM by Valinda
Hello blog readers!
I know it has been way too long since I did an update! I am sorry!
I lost my motivation.
There I said it, when I first started this blog I promised to be raw and honest, and I have been. I just haven’t been able to write because I didn’t want to lie and say everything was good a rah rah and all of that stuff, but I also didn’t want to tell you that I haven’t exercised consistently in 2 weeks, have been eating poorly and have gained 4lbs back.
I didn’t want to tell you that so I stayed quite.
Not anymore! I am once again back on the hippo, it is difficult, I ate cake and ice cream and candy and burgers and everything that I shouldn’t have. Now my body wants it and I have to re train it not to want it anymore. I am embarrassed, ashamed of myself and sad but it’s ok because I am back on the hippo! I plateau’d and that was the catalyst for me to break stride and go back to my old ways. I wasn’t moving up or down but the biggest problem was that I knew what I needed to do, exercise more lower my calories to get out of that rut and I did the exact opposite!
I am not perfect, that’s why I do this blog to show you that a chubby girl can turn her health and weight around, but it is HARD and it has it’s ups and downs. I am not going to be able to be 100% all the time, I need support just like everyone else but I know I have it in me to be successful! And so do you!
Have you been having a rough go of it? Then let this be the time that you start to feel better about yourself, let’s work through this together, we can do it! We can be successful! I promise that no matter what is happening good or bad with my weight I will continue to write I believe that this also contributed to my lackadaisical attitude I just didn’t write about it didn’t verbalize what I was feeling or doing. This blog is very therapeutic for me, I feel like I have someone to answer to at the end of the day. So that’s why the absence I will do better, thank you for sticking with me!
I know it has been way too long since I did an update! I am sorry!
I lost my motivation.
There I said it, when I first started this blog I promised to be raw and honest, and I have been. I just haven’t been able to write because I didn’t want to lie and say everything was good a rah rah and all of that stuff, but I also didn’t want to tell you that I haven’t exercised consistently in 2 weeks, have been eating poorly and have gained 4lbs back.
I didn’t want to tell you that so I stayed quite.
Not anymore! I am once again back on the hippo, it is difficult, I ate cake and ice cream and candy and burgers and everything that I shouldn’t have. Now my body wants it and I have to re train it not to want it anymore. I am embarrassed, ashamed of myself and sad but it’s ok because I am back on the hippo! I plateau’d and that was the catalyst for me to break stride and go back to my old ways. I wasn’t moving up or down but the biggest problem was that I knew what I needed to do, exercise more lower my calories to get out of that rut and I did the exact opposite!
I am not perfect, that’s why I do this blog to show you that a chubby girl can turn her health and weight around, but it is HARD and it has it’s ups and downs. I am not going to be able to be 100% all the time, I need support just like everyone else but I know I have it in me to be successful! And so do you!
Have you been having a rough go of it? Then let this be the time that you start to feel better about yourself, let’s work through this together, we can do it! We can be successful! I promise that no matter what is happening good or bad with my weight I will continue to write I believe that this also contributed to my lackadaisical attitude I just didn’t write about it didn’t verbalize what I was feeling or doing. This blog is very therapeutic for me, I feel like I have someone to answer to at the end of the day. So that’s why the absence I will do better, thank you for sticking with me!
One day . . .
Posted in on 12:08 PM by Valinda
One day I will be gone from this earth, what I have done while I was here will be my legacy. I want to be remembered for being a good wife and mother, I want to be known for my kindness, love and compassion. I want all those in my life that I love to know that I love them fiercely, with my whole being.
I don't think I am known for these things yet, I am changing this now, I will be the person I want to be regardless of what others think or say, one day they too will meet their maker and will they be happy with the choices they made?
I will not live with regrets any longer, my God is strong and powerful and kind and forgiving, I am opening up my heart to him now, a heart that has been closed to his word for far too long. I pray that he will enter and dwell in my heart forever. . . .
I don't think I am known for these things yet, I am changing this now, I will be the person I want to be regardless of what others think or say, one day they too will meet their maker and will they be happy with the choices they made?
I will not live with regrets any longer, my God is strong and powerful and kind and forgiving, I am opening up my heart to him now, a heart that has been closed to his word for far too long. I pray that he will enter and dwell in my heart forever. . . .
Posted in on 8:13 PM by Valinda
I have been suffering from allergies for over a month now. They are really bad this last two weeks I have been switching off from Benedryl and Clariton but I can not function like this for much longer, I am too tired to exercise because of the medication, I physically can not do it. Somethings gotta give.
I feel like crap when I don't exercise. I have tried tonight to do it but my body wont let me do anything cardio so I opted for stregnth training tonight but even that was hard to get through.
This is the first year my allergies have ever been this bad I can't even believe that I am still functioning honestly I am tired all day because of the Benedryl but when I go to bed I can't sleep it sucks.
I had and egg white and turkey sasuage english muffin for dinner tonight it was YUMMY! (not that I can taste much anyway) but the hubby said it was good lol! I also bought some weight watchers ice cream candy bars which are delightful!
Well I better try to get some sleep up at 4:30 am tomorrow.
Sleep well,
I feel like crap when I don't exercise. I have tried tonight to do it but my body wont let me do anything cardio so I opted for stregnth training tonight but even that was hard to get through.
This is the first year my allergies have ever been this bad I can't even believe that I am still functioning honestly I am tired all day because of the Benedryl but when I go to bed I can't sleep it sucks.
I had and egg white and turkey sasuage english muffin for dinner tonight it was YUMMY! (not that I can taste much anyway) but the hubby said it was good lol! I also bought some weight watchers ice cream candy bars which are delightful!
Well I better try to get some sleep up at 4:30 am tomorrow.
Sleep well,
This one's for you Priscilla!
Posted in on 8:09 PM by Valinda
For my BFF! Stay Strong Sista! We will beat the fat together!
Love Valinda
Struggling to get back on the Hippo
Posted in on 12:19 PM by Valinda
Well I certainly couldn't be getting back on the horse, that is too cliche!! Not me! I will try to mount *he he snort snort* this huge hippo in my life and get back on track. To say I have been struggling is really an understatement I have been drowning.
I just can't seem to get over this plateau I am on, not losing not gaining just staying the same, which will be perfect when I am actually at the weight I want to be at but since I am still quite a ways away from that goal I would like to start losing, please and thank you.
I have started to lose my motivation, this is because I feel better, I look better and in general people are not on me about my weight as much. It is so hard to stay motivated it's just one of those things we all are going to struggle with. This is a learning experience, you need to find out what works for you.
There is not any one thing that is going to work for any one person. Our bodies are all different so is our chemical make up and our metabolisms. But beyond that no one person likes the same things, feels comfortable doing the same things etc. The true way to lose weight is trial and error, not fad diets or pills.
I would be lying if I said that the thought hasn't crossed my mind to try some diet pills you know just to jump start my progress again. You know just a little bit. Have I convinced you yet? I almost had myself convinced . . . almost.
But I resisted the urge because I don't want to swallow 100 pills a day and natural supplements are not regulated or tested by the FDA, also as stated above you don't know how your body is going to react because we are all different.
So I am saddling up my hippo as I type this and am getting ready to get motivated to start losing again, I can do it!
Posted in on 1:58 PM by Valinda
I have been neglectful! I haven't updated and I apologize! It was a really busy weekend for me and my kids went back to school today so I haven't had a minute to sit down and gather my thoughts! But I have a moment right now so I better get this out there while I can.
How are you all doing? Are you seeing the results of your hard work yet? You may, or you may not and if you are not seeing the results yet that is ok. Some people's metabolism is just slower to get in gear, remember that it hasn't been properly used for sometime and it's a slow learner so don't get discouraged because even of you don't see it I bet you feel it and that's just as important.
Have any of you plateaued yet? I went through a couple of bad weeks where I had stayed the same it seemed and it really got me down. I didn't know what to do.
But now I am back on track seems I learn something new everyday! Seems like as your body gets used to your routine your metabolism slows because your body is used to doing your exercises and such, so to avoid that you need to start working out longer, I am up to an hour now and it is hard but I am back on the losing side again and so it's worth the extra push!
You would think that the above would be common sense right? But it wasn't for me I thought well my body hasn't been this active before so I guess I'm ok but that's just not true, you must consistently challenge your body with new things so that it doesn't get bored, so to speak. And i guess mine was bored even though it didn't feel that way I could tell that my exercised were getting easier so there you have it.
I am really enjoying this journey folks, it is hard but what is life isn't right? If we always did what was easy we really wouldn't do anything. So even though this is hard, it is also fun and energizing! I love putting on a pair of jeans that are too big! What a rush to be able to fit in clothes I haven't been able to wear for years! I also had some brand new things that never fit (I don't usually try stuff on) that now fit and in some cases are too big so it's like I get to go shopping in my own closet!
I am not at my goal yet but I am on the right track once again.
Anyone interested in a challenge? If you are comment ( anonymous if you don't have a google account ) and if there is enough interest I'll come up with a really great prize that will be awarded to the winner, I am thinking a 6 week challenge this time open to anyone what do you think??
How are you all doing? Are you seeing the results of your hard work yet? You may, or you may not and if you are not seeing the results yet that is ok. Some people's metabolism is just slower to get in gear, remember that it hasn't been properly used for sometime and it's a slow learner so don't get discouraged because even of you don't see it I bet you feel it and that's just as important.
Have any of you plateaued yet? I went through a couple of bad weeks where I had stayed the same it seemed and it really got me down. I didn't know what to do.
But now I am back on track seems I learn something new everyday! Seems like as your body gets used to your routine your metabolism slows because your body is used to doing your exercises and such, so to avoid that you need to start working out longer, I am up to an hour now and it is hard but I am back on the losing side again and so it's worth the extra push!
You would think that the above would be common sense right? But it wasn't for me I thought well my body hasn't been this active before so I guess I'm ok but that's just not true, you must consistently challenge your body with new things so that it doesn't get bored, so to speak. And i guess mine was bored even though it didn't feel that way I could tell that my exercised were getting easier so there you have it.
I am really enjoying this journey folks, it is hard but what is life isn't right? If we always did what was easy we really wouldn't do anything. So even though this is hard, it is also fun and energizing! I love putting on a pair of jeans that are too big! What a rush to be able to fit in clothes I haven't been able to wear for years! I also had some brand new things that never fit (I don't usually try stuff on) that now fit and in some cases are too big so it's like I get to go shopping in my own closet!
I am not at my goal yet but I am on the right track once again.
Anyone interested in a challenge? If you are comment ( anonymous if you don't have a google account ) and if there is enough interest I'll come up with a really great prize that will be awarded to the winner, I am thinking a 6 week challenge this time open to anyone what do you think??
Posted in on 1:29 PM by Valinda
It's been awhile since I have posted some yummy recipes so here you go!
Crisp Garlic Potato Skins
Here's a low-fat, low-sodium version of a popular restaurant-style appetizer.
Makes 4 servings
2 large baking potatoes
2 teaspoons olive oil or cooking oil
2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons grated Parmesan cheese
One day or several hours ahead, prick potatoes with a fork. Bake in a 425 degree
oven for 40 to 50 minutes or till tender. Cool, Wrap and store in refrigerator.
At serving time, cut baking potatoes into quarters. Scoop out the insides
(reserve for another use), leaving 1/2 inch thick shells. Lightly brush both
sides of potato skins with olive oil. Place, cut side up, on a large baking sheet.
Bake at 425 degrees about 15 minutes or till crisp. Meanwhile, in a small bowl
combine the chopped tomatoes, basil, and garlic powder. Spoon some of the tomato
mixture into each potato quarter. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake for 2 to 3
more minutes until heated through.
PER SERVING: 107 Calories, 3 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
1 mg Cholesterol, 27 mg Sodium, 19 g Total Carbohydrate,
0 g Dietary Fiber, 2 g Protein
Mama Mia Meatballs
Makes 50 Appetizers
1 1/4 pounds ground turkey breast or 96% lean ground beef
1/2 cup dried Italian bread crumbs
1/3 cup grated nonfat Parmesan cheese
2 egg whites
1 onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon crushed fresh garlic
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons whole fennel seeds
1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 1/2 cups fat-free bottled marinara sauce
Combine the meatball ingredients in a medium-sized bowl, and mix thoroughly.
Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Shape the meatball mixture into
50 (1 inch) balls, and place the meatballs on the baking sheet. Bake the meatballs
at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked. Transfer the
meatballs to a chafing dish or Crock-Pot heated casserole to keep warm. Place
the marinara sauce in a small saucepan, and simmer over medium-low heat just until
hot. Pour the sauce over the meatballs, toss gently to mix, and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1 appetizer
PER SERVING: 23 Calories, 3.2 g Protein, 0.1 Fiber, 0.2 g Fat g,
40 mg Sodium, 8 mg Cholesterol
Caramel Apple Crisps
Makes 6 servings
6 (4-inch) fat-free caramel-flavored popcorn cakes
1 medium apple, cored and thinly sliced (recommend Red Delicious or Golden Delicious)
1 1/2 tablespoons fat-free caramel-flavored sundae syrup
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Place popcorn cakes on a baking sheet. Top evenly with sliced apple; drizzle
caramel syrup evenly over apple. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon;
sprinkle evenly over each serving. Broil 3 minutes. Serve immediately.
SERVING SIZE: 1 popcorn cake
PER SERVING: 84 Calories, 0.1 g Total Fat, 0.8 g Fiber
Spicy Barbecue Meatballs
Makes 60 Appetizers
1 1/2 lbs. ground turkey breast or 96% lean ground beef
3/4 cup quick-cooking oats
2 egg whites
1 cup finely chopped onion
1 1/2 teaspoons crushed fresh garlic
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 can (8 oz) unsalted tomato sauce
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons spicy mustard
1 1/4 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco pepper sauce
Combine the meatball ingredients in a medium-sized bowl, and mix thoroughly.
Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Shape the meatball mixture
into 60 (1") balls, and place meatballs on the baking sheet. Bake the meatballs
at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked. Transfer
the meatballs to a chafing dish or Crock-Pot heated casserole to keep warm.
Combine the sauce ingredients in a small saucepan, and simmer over medium-low
heat just until hot. Pour the sauce over the meatballs, toss gently to mix, and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1 appetizer
PER SERVING: 24 Calories, 3.3 g Protein, 0.2 Fiber, 0.2 g Fat g,
35 mg Sodium, 7 mg Cholesterol
Main Meals:
Chicken Broth with Angel Hair Pasta
Makes 4 servings
4 cups coarsely chopped escarole
2 cups sliced carrots
5 cups low-sodium chicken broth
4 1/2 ounces angel-hair pasta (capellini)
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fill medium saucepan with 1" water; set steamer rack in saucepan. Place escarole
and carrots on rack. Bring water to a boil; reduce heat to low. Steam vegetables
over simmering water, covered, 15 minutes, until tender. In separate medium
saucepan, bring broth to a boil. Reduce heat to low; let simmer until ready to use.
In large pot of boiling water, cook angel hair 3 minutes, until tender. Drain;
return pasta to pot. Add 1 cup of the simmering broth; stir to keep pasta from
sticking together. Divide pasta mixture evenly among 4 soup bowls; add an equal
amount of escarole, carrots and remaining broth to each bowl. Sprinkle each
portion with 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese, then the pepper.
SELECTIONS: 3 Vegetables, 1 1/2 Breads, 35 Optional Calories
PER SERVING: 196 Calories, 3 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
0 mg Cholesterol, 130 mg Sodium, 33 g Total Carbohydrate,
4 g Dietary Fiber, 9 g Protein, 69 mg Calcium
Mozzarella, Tomato & Basil Pizza
This most basic pizza, known as Pizza Margherita in Italy, proves the
old adage that less is more. Use the freshest basil and tomatoes you can find.
Makes 4 servings
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 small plum tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 recipe Pizza Dough (see recipe below)
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
1/4 cup whole fresh basil leaves, firmly packed
1 1/2 ounces skim-milk mozzarella cheese, finely shredded
Prepare grill for a hot fire, using direct method (When the coals are ready, arrange
for direct cooking. In the direct method, coals are spread out in the middle of the
grill and the food is cooked directly above. This method cooks food quickly,
resulting in more browning on the outside of the food. Direct cooking is best
suited for smaller pieces of food such as kabobs, steaks, chops, burgers or vegetables.)
Sprinkle work surface with flour. With rolling pin, roll out dough to two 8" circles,
approximately 1/8" thick. Carefully lift dough directly into grill rack. Grill about
2 minutes, until dough bubbles and begins to char on bottom; turn. Sprinkle crusts
evenly with shallots; evenly distribute one-fourth of the cheese over each. Arrange
tomato slices and basil leaves evenly over cheese and top with remaining cheese.
Close grill cover or tent with foil. Grill 3-5 minutes, until cheese is melted and
crust is crisp. Cut into quarters and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1/2 of 8" pie
SELECTIONS: 1/4 Fat, 1/4 Vegetable, 1/2 Protein, 2 Breads,
8 Optional Calories.
PER SERVING: 231 Calories, 4 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
6 mg Cholesterol, 328 mg Sodium, 40 g Total Carbohydrate,
2 g Dietary Fiber, 8 g Protein, 107 mg Calcium
Carolina Barbecued Chicken
In the Carolinas, folks mix the barbecue sauce with vinegar, plenty of
spices and a dash of sugar--but no tomato. We've re-created this sauce,
which gives a great taste to chicken.
Makes 4 servings
1 cup finely chopped onions
1 cup finely chopped green bell pepper
1 cup cider vinegar
3 tablespoons firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, or to taste
One 2-pound 4-ounce chicken, skinned and cut into 8 equal pieces
Preheat outdoor barbecue grill according to manufacturer's directions, or
preheat broiler and spray rack in broiler pan with nonstick cooking spray.
In small saucepan, combine onions, bell pepper, vinegar, brown sugar, juice,
salt, dry mustard, pepper flakes and black pepper; stirring constantly,
bring liquid to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, stirring occasionally,
20 minutes, until flavors are blended. Grill chicken over hot coals or place
onto prepared rack in broiler pan and broil 4" from heat, turning as needed
and basting with some of the onion mixture, 20 minutes, until browned and
juices run clear when pierced with fork. Transfer chicken to serving platter;
top with remaining onion mixture.
SERVING SIZE: 3 Ounces Chicken, 1/4 Onion Mixture
SELECTIONS: 1 Vegetable, 3 Proteins, 35 Optional Calories.
PER SERVING: 233 Calories, 6 g Total Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
76 mg Cholesterol, 353 mg Sodium, 19 g Total Carbohydrate,
1 g Dietary Fiber, 25 g Protein, 39 mg Calcium
Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Makes 4 servings
4 sun dried tomatoes, packed in oil or dried
1 tsp lemon zest, grated
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp. unsalted butter
2 tbsp parsley, minced
1/8 tsp salt
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
If using oil packed tomatoes, drain and finely chop. If using dried tomatoes,
cover tomatoes with boiling water in a bowl. Let stand 5 minutes. Drain and
finely chop. Place 2 tbsp chopped tomatoes and half the lemon zest in a small
bowl. Add butter, parsley and salt. Mix thoroughly and set aside. Combine
remaining tomatoes and zest in another bowl and mix thoroughly. Using a
sharp knife, cut horizontally through the center of each chicken breast to
form a pocket. Do not cut all the way through. Divide tomato and lemon zest
mixture into equal portions and spread in pocket of each chicken breast.
Turn on broiler. Arrange chicken on a broiler pan and place 4 inches from
heat source. Broil 5 minutes. Turn and broil another 4 minutes. Spread tomato
and butter mixture over chicken breasts. Broil another 1-2 minutes or until
chicken is opaque throughout.
PER SERVING: 174 Calories, 6.9 g Total Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
82 mg Cholesterol, 131 mg Sodium, 0.3 g Total Carbohydrate,
0.1 g Dietary Fiber, 26.4 g Protein
Garlic Pork Balsamico
Ten cloves of garlic may sound like a lot, but after cooking garlic's
pungent flavor mellows to give the chops a mild, slightly sweet taste.
Makes 4 Servings
1 small bulb garlic (about 10 cloves)
1 cup water
12 ounces boneless pork loin, cut into 8 slices
1 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp honey-mustard
Fresh rosemary sprigs (optional)
Separate garlic bulb into cloves. Do Not peel. In a small saucepan combine garlic
cloves and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Drain; cool slightly.
Peel cloves and set aside. Sprinkle both sides of pork slices with rosemary,
pressing into surface of the meat. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet. Cook half
of pork and garlic cloves over medium heat for 6 to 7 minutes or till no pink
remains and juices run clear, turning meat over after half the cooking time.
Remove from skillet; keep warm. Repeat with remaining pork and garlic. For sauce,
stir together vinegar, 2 tbsp water, and honey-mustard. Add to garlic in skillet,
stirring to scrape up any browned bits. Bring mixture just to boiling. Reduce
heat. Simmer for 1 to 2 minutes or till sauce becomes slightly thickened. To serve,
spoon sauce over pork. Garnish with fresh rosemary sprigs, if desired.
PER SERVING: 143 Calories, 13 g Protein, 7 g Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
6 g Carbohydrate, 128 mg Sodium, 38 mg Cholesterol, 0 g Dietary Fiber
Crisp Garlic Potato Skins
Here's a low-fat, low-sodium version of a popular restaurant-style appetizer.
Makes 4 servings
2 large baking potatoes
2 teaspoons olive oil or cooking oil
2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons grated Parmesan cheese
One day or several hours ahead, prick potatoes with a fork. Bake in a 425 degree
oven for 40 to 50 minutes or till tender. Cool, Wrap and store in refrigerator.
At serving time, cut baking potatoes into quarters. Scoop out the insides
(reserve for another use), leaving 1/2 inch thick shells. Lightly brush both
sides of potato skins with olive oil. Place, cut side up, on a large baking sheet.
Bake at 425 degrees about 15 minutes or till crisp. Meanwhile, in a small bowl
combine the chopped tomatoes, basil, and garlic powder. Spoon some of the tomato
mixture into each potato quarter. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake for 2 to 3
more minutes until heated through.
PER SERVING: 107 Calories, 3 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
1 mg Cholesterol, 27 mg Sodium, 19 g Total Carbohydrate,
0 g Dietary Fiber, 2 g Protein
Mama Mia Meatballs
Makes 50 Appetizers
1 1/4 pounds ground turkey breast or 96% lean ground beef
1/2 cup dried Italian bread crumbs
1/3 cup grated nonfat Parmesan cheese
2 egg whites
1 onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon crushed fresh garlic
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons whole fennel seeds
1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 1/2 cups fat-free bottled marinara sauce
Combine the meatball ingredients in a medium-sized bowl, and mix thoroughly.
Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Shape the meatball mixture into
50 (1 inch) balls, and place the meatballs on the baking sheet. Bake the meatballs
at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked. Transfer the
meatballs to a chafing dish or Crock-Pot heated casserole to keep warm. Place
the marinara sauce in a small saucepan, and simmer over medium-low heat just until
hot. Pour the sauce over the meatballs, toss gently to mix, and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1 appetizer
PER SERVING: 23 Calories, 3.2 g Protein, 0.1 Fiber, 0.2 g Fat g,
40 mg Sodium, 8 mg Cholesterol
Caramel Apple Crisps
Makes 6 servings
6 (4-inch) fat-free caramel-flavored popcorn cakes
1 medium apple, cored and thinly sliced (recommend Red Delicious or Golden Delicious)
1 1/2 tablespoons fat-free caramel-flavored sundae syrup
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Place popcorn cakes on a baking sheet. Top evenly with sliced apple; drizzle
caramel syrup evenly over apple. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon;
sprinkle evenly over each serving. Broil 3 minutes. Serve immediately.
SERVING SIZE: 1 popcorn cake
PER SERVING: 84 Calories, 0.1 g Total Fat, 0.8 g Fiber
Spicy Barbecue Meatballs
Makes 60 Appetizers
1 1/2 lbs. ground turkey breast or 96% lean ground beef
3/4 cup quick-cooking oats
2 egg whites
1 cup finely chopped onion
1 1/2 teaspoons crushed fresh garlic
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 can (8 oz) unsalted tomato sauce
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons spicy mustard
1 1/4 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco pepper sauce
Combine the meatball ingredients in a medium-sized bowl, and mix thoroughly.
Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Shape the meatball mixture
into 60 (1") balls, and place meatballs on the baking sheet. Bake the meatballs
at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked. Transfer
the meatballs to a chafing dish or Crock-Pot heated casserole to keep warm.
Combine the sauce ingredients in a small saucepan, and simmer over medium-low
heat just until hot. Pour the sauce over the meatballs, toss gently to mix, and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1 appetizer
PER SERVING: 24 Calories, 3.3 g Protein, 0.2 Fiber, 0.2 g Fat g,
35 mg Sodium, 7 mg Cholesterol
Main Meals:
Chicken Broth with Angel Hair Pasta
Makes 4 servings
4 cups coarsely chopped escarole
2 cups sliced carrots
5 cups low-sodium chicken broth
4 1/2 ounces angel-hair pasta (capellini)
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fill medium saucepan with 1" water; set steamer rack in saucepan. Place escarole
and carrots on rack. Bring water to a boil; reduce heat to low. Steam vegetables
over simmering water, covered, 15 minutes, until tender. In separate medium
saucepan, bring broth to a boil. Reduce heat to low; let simmer until ready to use.
In large pot of boiling water, cook angel hair 3 minutes, until tender. Drain;
return pasta to pot. Add 1 cup of the simmering broth; stir to keep pasta from
sticking together. Divide pasta mixture evenly among 4 soup bowls; add an equal
amount of escarole, carrots and remaining broth to each bowl. Sprinkle each
portion with 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese, then the pepper.
SELECTIONS: 3 Vegetables, 1 1/2 Breads, 35 Optional Calories
PER SERVING: 196 Calories, 3 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
0 mg Cholesterol, 130 mg Sodium, 33 g Total Carbohydrate,
4 g Dietary Fiber, 9 g Protein, 69 mg Calcium
Mozzarella, Tomato & Basil Pizza
This most basic pizza, known as Pizza Margherita in Italy, proves the
old adage that less is more. Use the freshest basil and tomatoes you can find.
Makes 4 servings
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 small plum tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 recipe Pizza Dough (see recipe below)
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
1/4 cup whole fresh basil leaves, firmly packed
1 1/2 ounces skim-milk mozzarella cheese, finely shredded
Prepare grill for a hot fire, using direct method (When the coals are ready, arrange
for direct cooking. In the direct method, coals are spread out in the middle of the
grill and the food is cooked directly above. This method cooks food quickly,
resulting in more browning on the outside of the food. Direct cooking is best
suited for smaller pieces of food such as kabobs, steaks, chops, burgers or vegetables.)
Sprinkle work surface with flour. With rolling pin, roll out dough to two 8" circles,
approximately 1/8" thick. Carefully lift dough directly into grill rack. Grill about
2 minutes, until dough bubbles and begins to char on bottom; turn. Sprinkle crusts
evenly with shallots; evenly distribute one-fourth of the cheese over each. Arrange
tomato slices and basil leaves evenly over cheese and top with remaining cheese.
Close grill cover or tent with foil. Grill 3-5 minutes, until cheese is melted and
crust is crisp. Cut into quarters and serve.
SERVING SIZE: 1/2 of 8" pie
SELECTIONS: 1/4 Fat, 1/4 Vegetable, 1/2 Protein, 2 Breads,
8 Optional Calories.
PER SERVING: 231 Calories, 4 g Total Fat, 1 g Saturated Fat,
6 mg Cholesterol, 328 mg Sodium, 40 g Total Carbohydrate,
2 g Dietary Fiber, 8 g Protein, 107 mg Calcium
Carolina Barbecued Chicken
In the Carolinas, folks mix the barbecue sauce with vinegar, plenty of
spices and a dash of sugar--but no tomato. We've re-created this sauce,
which gives a great taste to chicken.
Makes 4 servings
1 cup finely chopped onions
1 cup finely chopped green bell pepper
1 cup cider vinegar
3 tablespoons firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, or to taste
One 2-pound 4-ounce chicken, skinned and cut into 8 equal pieces
Preheat outdoor barbecue grill according to manufacturer's directions, or
preheat broiler and spray rack in broiler pan with nonstick cooking spray.
In small saucepan, combine onions, bell pepper, vinegar, brown sugar, juice,
salt, dry mustard, pepper flakes and black pepper; stirring constantly,
bring liquid to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, stirring occasionally,
20 minutes, until flavors are blended. Grill chicken over hot coals or place
onto prepared rack in broiler pan and broil 4" from heat, turning as needed
and basting with some of the onion mixture, 20 minutes, until browned and
juices run clear when pierced with fork. Transfer chicken to serving platter;
top with remaining onion mixture.
SERVING SIZE: 3 Ounces Chicken, 1/4 Onion Mixture
SELECTIONS: 1 Vegetable, 3 Proteins, 35 Optional Calories.
PER SERVING: 233 Calories, 6 g Total Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
76 mg Cholesterol, 353 mg Sodium, 19 g Total Carbohydrate,
1 g Dietary Fiber, 25 g Protein, 39 mg Calcium
Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Makes 4 servings
4 sun dried tomatoes, packed in oil or dried
1 tsp lemon zest, grated
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp. unsalted butter
2 tbsp parsley, minced
1/8 tsp salt
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
If using oil packed tomatoes, drain and finely chop. If using dried tomatoes,
cover tomatoes with boiling water in a bowl. Let stand 5 minutes. Drain and
finely chop. Place 2 tbsp chopped tomatoes and half the lemon zest in a small
bowl. Add butter, parsley and salt. Mix thoroughly and set aside. Combine
remaining tomatoes and zest in another bowl and mix thoroughly. Using a
sharp knife, cut horizontally through the center of each chicken breast to
form a pocket. Do not cut all the way through. Divide tomato and lemon zest
mixture into equal portions and spread in pocket of each chicken breast.
Turn on broiler. Arrange chicken on a broiler pan and place 4 inches from
heat source. Broil 5 minutes. Turn and broil another 4 minutes. Spread tomato
and butter mixture over chicken breasts. Broil another 1-2 minutes or until
chicken is opaque throughout.
PER SERVING: 174 Calories, 6.9 g Total Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
82 mg Cholesterol, 131 mg Sodium, 0.3 g Total Carbohydrate,
0.1 g Dietary Fiber, 26.4 g Protein
Garlic Pork Balsamico
Ten cloves of garlic may sound like a lot, but after cooking garlic's
pungent flavor mellows to give the chops a mild, slightly sweet taste.
Makes 4 Servings
1 small bulb garlic (about 10 cloves)
1 cup water
12 ounces boneless pork loin, cut into 8 slices
1 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp honey-mustard
Fresh rosemary sprigs (optional)
Separate garlic bulb into cloves. Do Not peel. In a small saucepan combine garlic
cloves and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Drain; cool slightly.
Peel cloves and set aside. Sprinkle both sides of pork slices with rosemary,
pressing into surface of the meat. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet. Cook half
of pork and garlic cloves over medium heat for 6 to 7 minutes or till no pink
remains and juices run clear, turning meat over after half the cooking time.
Remove from skillet; keep warm. Repeat with remaining pork and garlic. For sauce,
stir together vinegar, 2 tbsp water, and honey-mustard. Add to garlic in skillet,
stirring to scrape up any browned bits. Bring mixture just to boiling. Reduce
heat. Simmer for 1 to 2 minutes or till sauce becomes slightly thickened. To serve,
spoon sauce over pork. Garnish with fresh rosemary sprigs, if desired.
PER SERVING: 143 Calories, 13 g Protein, 7 g Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat,
6 g Carbohydrate, 128 mg Sodium, 38 mg Cholesterol, 0 g Dietary Fiber
Mirror Image
Posted in on 8:30 PM by Valinda
I went to the gym tonight and they have those evil floor to ceiling mirrors that we all love so much, well I was walking on the treadmill doing my thing and I look to my left and BAM! There it was, my reflection and it shocked the crap out of me because in that mirror was my old fatter self.
Well the explination for my size in the mirror was that I was actually right in the middle of two mirrors coming together so I got that lovely illusion I moved a little forward and whew, there was my now normal stuff.
Now that was a huge eye opener because I recognized that fat girl in the mirror, I had almost forgotten what she looked like but there she was in all her glory and I realized one thing at that moment, if I waiver in my resolve to lose weight and be healthy then I will be her again, maybe bigger and that scares the crap right out of me.
I can not be her again, that jolly, fat girl in the mirror I have to stay on track, for myself, for my health for my husband and my kids I need to steele my resolve and not waiver in my misson. Because it would only take one wrong move for me to be right back to where I was last year at 238 lbs. It would be easier for me to back peddle now and put the weight back on even faster than I did it the first time and I am sure I would add more too it.
I took a picture of my fat self in the mirror at the gym today because I can never forget, I must always look forward, even if I fall back my gaze must remain forward.
And I will because I have come to far, worked too hard and I am way to proud of myself to fail now, I have 50 lbs to go and I will get there! I will prevail and so will you my friends!
We will fight the fat together hand in hand, till we beat it!
Till tomorrow
Well the explination for my size in the mirror was that I was actually right in the middle of two mirrors coming together so I got that lovely illusion I moved a little forward and whew, there was my now normal stuff.
Now that was a huge eye opener because I recognized that fat girl in the mirror, I had almost forgotten what she looked like but there she was in all her glory and I realized one thing at that moment, if I waiver in my resolve to lose weight and be healthy then I will be her again, maybe bigger and that scares the crap right out of me.
I can not be her again, that jolly, fat girl in the mirror I have to stay on track, for myself, for my health for my husband and my kids I need to steele my resolve and not waiver in my misson. Because it would only take one wrong move for me to be right back to where I was last year at 238 lbs. It would be easier for me to back peddle now and put the weight back on even faster than I did it the first time and I am sure I would add more too it.
I took a picture of my fat self in the mirror at the gym today because I can never forget, I must always look forward, even if I fall back my gaze must remain forward.
And I will because I have come to far, worked too hard and I am way to proud of myself to fail now, I have 50 lbs to go and I will get there! I will prevail and so will you my friends!
We will fight the fat together hand in hand, till we beat it!
Till tomorrow
A Womans Role
Posted in on 9:41 PM by Valinda
I am not going to speak all about diets and calories, I would like to speak instead of somethings that have been on my mind lately. There are many hats that I have to wear though out a typical day, mother, wife, manager, employee, janitor, taxi, dr., lawyer you name it I promise you that at some point in my day I have been it.
As a woman I am consistently torn between what is good for my family, what is good for my marriage, what is good for my career and what is good for my life. It is not easy for woman in society, we are expected to do more, be more. I have not all of a sudden turned into a woman's lib. activist but I do speak from experience when I say that woman in society are asked to do so much, in so little time.
I will share a personal story and hope that it portrays what I am trying to say:
I have made an appointment to get my tubes tied, I have 2 beautiful children I am 33 years old and I believe my family is complete. It took me 2 years to be able to make the appointment I was so emotional about permanently making it so that I couldn't have children. Not that I wanted more, but the idea of NOT being able to have them made me so sad.
I had to re-evaluate why I was making this decision, was it because I didn't want more children? or was it because I couldn't afford to have more children, or was it that I was afraid in this economy to try to take maternity leave? Was I making this decision because I thought I was too old to have more? These are all the thoughts that consistently bounced around in my head every time I thought I was ready to make this decision, so I would delay it.
Now why on earth would any of that matter???? If I want to have another child and my husband does why do I care what society thinks? It'd because that's how we were taught as woman, put everyone ahead of yourself, do for others first, we are not as important, run the household, raise the children, cook the meals, it sounds like we have gone back into the stone age but I believe that it is in our genetic make-up to be this way.
We handle stress better, make better decisions under pressure, we can juggle 5 things at once, remember birthday's, anniversary's when the bills are due.
We also have to be concerned with the way we look. Hair beautiful, make up on be thin, be happy we are always told what to do.
I didn't really have a point to this post but I wanted to get these thoughts out from my own sanity.
I'll tell you one thing this chick is DONE being told what to do!!
As a woman I am consistently torn between what is good for my family, what is good for my marriage, what is good for my career and what is good for my life. It is not easy for woman in society, we are expected to do more, be more. I have not all of a sudden turned into a woman's lib. activist but I do speak from experience when I say that woman in society are asked to do so much, in so little time.
I will share a personal story and hope that it portrays what I am trying to say:
I have made an appointment to get my tubes tied, I have 2 beautiful children I am 33 years old and I believe my family is complete. It took me 2 years to be able to make the appointment I was so emotional about permanently making it so that I couldn't have children. Not that I wanted more, but the idea of NOT being able to have them made me so sad.
I had to re-evaluate why I was making this decision, was it because I didn't want more children? or was it because I couldn't afford to have more children, or was it that I was afraid in this economy to try to take maternity leave? Was I making this decision because I thought I was too old to have more? These are all the thoughts that consistently bounced around in my head every time I thought I was ready to make this decision, so I would delay it.
Now why on earth would any of that matter???? If I want to have another child and my husband does why do I care what society thinks? It'd because that's how we were taught as woman, put everyone ahead of yourself, do for others first, we are not as important, run the household, raise the children, cook the meals, it sounds like we have gone back into the stone age but I believe that it is in our genetic make-up to be this way.
We handle stress better, make better decisions under pressure, we can juggle 5 things at once, remember birthday's, anniversary's when the bills are due.
We also have to be concerned with the way we look. Hair beautiful, make up on be thin, be happy we are always told what to do.
I didn't really have a point to this post but I wanted to get these thoughts out from my own sanity.
I'll tell you one thing this chick is DONE being told what to do!!
Bad, good weekend
Posted in on 8:45 PM by Valinda
This weekend was great from a life stand point and terrible from a diet stand point. My baby turned 6 this this weekend and I threw my diet out the window. Not a good thing but I had so much fun that I can't say a single bad word about it.
I was surrounded by family and friends and we had fun and didn't hold back from being ourselves and it was good.
I ate cake and chips and dip and anything else you can think of and it was good.
I'll be honest though I was not feeling well at all today all of that bad food really made me feel like crap. I think that once you are eating well your body doesn't like to eat bad even if your taste buds disagree!!
In life things come up birthdays, holidays and such and you need to enjoy them, don't let your diet cause you to miss out on life because that totally defeats the purpose. I mean we are losing weight and getting healthy to enjoy our life more right?!?!?! So still enjoy your life even if that means eating something not so good for you.
Food is a lot of different things, it's nutrition, fun, stress, anger, happiness comfort and a million other things, it is different things to us at different times, what we have to do is be able to enjoy food without it becoming something that we are dependent on when our emotions are out of wack.
So tomorrow I will be back to eating on track and exercising everyday but for the next few remaining hours I think I will hug and kiss my babies, snuggle with my husband and worry about the calories tomorrow.
I was surrounded by family and friends and we had fun and didn't hold back from being ourselves and it was good.
I ate cake and chips and dip and anything else you can think of and it was good.
I'll be honest though I was not feeling well at all today all of that bad food really made me feel like crap. I think that once you are eating well your body doesn't like to eat bad even if your taste buds disagree!!
In life things come up birthdays, holidays and such and you need to enjoy them, don't let your diet cause you to miss out on life because that totally defeats the purpose. I mean we are losing weight and getting healthy to enjoy our life more right?!?!?! So still enjoy your life even if that means eating something not so good for you.
Food is a lot of different things, it's nutrition, fun, stress, anger, happiness comfort and a million other things, it is different things to us at different times, what we have to do is be able to enjoy food without it becoming something that we are dependent on when our emotions are out of wack.
So tomorrow I will be back to eating on track and exercising everyday but for the next few remaining hours I think I will hug and kiss my babies, snuggle with my husband and worry about the calories tomorrow.
Today is . . .
Posted in on 7:59 PM by Valinda
Awesome! I love today almost as much as I loved yesterday! Why am I so happy you ask? Because I woke up this morning, I had food to eat and a Job to go to. I am happy because my kids are happy and healthy and I am able to provide for them.
I am grateful for my life, I have a wonderful husband who supports me even though I am a little crazy, an emotional train wreck sometimes he is patient kind loving and understanding.
I have wonderful kids who get great grades in school and who (for the most part) listen and behave, they are loving and kind and gentle.
I have a great family, who have supported me through the toughest times in my life and never waiver in their love for me. I hope they know how much I love them. I can not even put into words what my family means to me (ALL OF YOU) there are no words to express the kind of feelings that I have. I don't think if I lived to be 10,000 that I could ever even begin to repay them.
Tomorrow is my baby's 6th birthday, I can't believe it where has this last 6 years gone? I don't know but life keeps going faster and faster and soon I'll be wondering where the last 30 years went!
I am trying to take it all in, live life in the moment, it's hard but I am trying to be in the present so that I don't miss anything any more! I want to savor every moment I have with my babies while they are still young, too soon they will be living their own life's separate from me, making their own decisions.
Don't waste another minute! Life is forever too short.
Happy Birthday Connor, Mommy loves you with everything she has and everything she is.
I am grateful for my life, I have a wonderful husband who supports me even though I am a little crazy, an emotional train wreck sometimes he is patient kind loving and understanding.
I have wonderful kids who get great grades in school and who (for the most part) listen and behave, they are loving and kind and gentle.
I have a great family, who have supported me through the toughest times in my life and never waiver in their love for me. I hope they know how much I love them. I can not even put into words what my family means to me (ALL OF YOU) there are no words to express the kind of feelings that I have. I don't think if I lived to be 10,000 that I could ever even begin to repay them.
Tomorrow is my baby's 6th birthday, I can't believe it where has this last 6 years gone? I don't know but life keeps going faster and faster and soon I'll be wondering where the last 30 years went!
I am trying to take it all in, live life in the moment, it's hard but I am trying to be in the present so that I don't miss anything any more! I want to savor every moment I have with my babies while they are still young, too soon they will be living their own life's separate from me, making their own decisions.
Don't waste another minute! Life is forever too short.
Happy Birthday Connor, Mommy loves you with everything she has and everything she is.
Posted in on 7:18 PM by Valinda
It's all I can say!
PS you can leave an anonymous comment you don't need to sign in or have a blog! So comment away!!!!
Your always,
I find inspiration in the weirdest places
Posted in on 6:22 PM by Valinda
I really do find inspiration in the strangest places and I am not just talking about inspiration for loosing weight, I mean inspiration for everything.
Take for example today, I was on my bike ride and listening to my Ipod and I like musicals ( Don't laugh!) and I was listening to my favorite Les Miserables and as I am listening to 1 song, a song I have listened to at least 100 times, something hit me.
In this on song a confrontation between 2 of the main characters Val Jean and Javert ensues. Val Jean being a prisoner on parole that has been running from being re arrested by Javert the head of police basically.
In this song Val Jean is running from a battle with a wounded man trying to get him to the hospital when he is confronted by Javert who wants to arrest him and not let him get away.
Basically what this boils down to is that 1 man committed a small crime many years ago, went to jail and paid his debt what he is in trouble for now is for skipping his parole.
Javert is a good man who takes his job way to seriously and everything is black and white to him, there is no gray at all.
Val Jean is also a good man, his crime was breaking into a house to steal a loaf of bread for his sisters starving child.
Javert feels a crime is a crime and all are the same in his eyes so Val Jean must pay, period.
Val Jean found God after he was released from prison and vowed to live a good life, he skipped parole because with that mark on him he couldn't keep a job and was treated like the scum of society.
So what does this have to do with anything? Well I'm glad you asked because I am going to tell you!
In life we all have freedom of choice, we chose what we wear, what we do for a living, what we eat everything is a choice. Sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we don't.
But the choices that we make are ours alone to make, the consequences ours alone to endure.
There are a lot of people in this world that we live in that are very much like Javert, everything is black and white, they are right and you are wrong and there is nothing you can do or say that will change their mind.
So stop trying.
I have wasted so much of my life trying to do what other people wanted me to do, act like they wanted me to act and say what they wanted me to say. I let people make decisions for me for the sake of them liking me. I let them control my destiny, lead me somewhere I didn't want to go.
I have finally said no to all of the Javerts in my life! I have risen up to say NO!!! This is MY life, these are MY children this is MY husband and we are going to do things our way, you can like it or not but this is how it is going to be.
It is then their CHOICE whether to stay or to go. You must be strong enough to let them go if they choose, you do not control their destiny either.
I have also said NO to letting food control my life, I know that there were and still are days where food gets the best of me, in fact I had Dairy Queen Saturday! FOR SHAME! Some days all I want to do is eat cake and ice cream, I don't know why but food is harder to stand up to then all of the Javerts in my life put together!
I am still learning to say no to fat unhealthy eating and yes to healthy eating, I don't know if this is a lesson that you ever fully learn, I think that it is a on going education with an ever changing curriculum I will teach what I can, and I will learn what I can so that I can teach even more.
Don't let anyone or anything control your life, it is your life live it to the fullest!
Take for example today, I was on my bike ride and listening to my Ipod and I like musicals ( Don't laugh!) and I was listening to my favorite Les Miserables and as I am listening to 1 song, a song I have listened to at least 100 times, something hit me.
In this on song a confrontation between 2 of the main characters Val Jean and Javert ensues. Val Jean being a prisoner on parole that has been running from being re arrested by Javert the head of police basically.
In this song Val Jean is running from a battle with a wounded man trying to get him to the hospital when he is confronted by Javert who wants to arrest him and not let him get away.
Basically what this boils down to is that 1 man committed a small crime many years ago, went to jail and paid his debt what he is in trouble for now is for skipping his parole.
Javert is a good man who takes his job way to seriously and everything is black and white to him, there is no gray at all.
Val Jean is also a good man, his crime was breaking into a house to steal a loaf of bread for his sisters starving child.
Javert feels a crime is a crime and all are the same in his eyes so Val Jean must pay, period.
Val Jean found God after he was released from prison and vowed to live a good life, he skipped parole because with that mark on him he couldn't keep a job and was treated like the scum of society.
So what does this have to do with anything? Well I'm glad you asked because I am going to tell you!
In life we all have freedom of choice, we chose what we wear, what we do for a living, what we eat everything is a choice. Sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we don't.
But the choices that we make are ours alone to make, the consequences ours alone to endure.
There are a lot of people in this world that we live in that are very much like Javert, everything is black and white, they are right and you are wrong and there is nothing you can do or say that will change their mind.
So stop trying.
I have wasted so much of my life trying to do what other people wanted me to do, act like they wanted me to act and say what they wanted me to say. I let people make decisions for me for the sake of them liking me. I let them control my destiny, lead me somewhere I didn't want to go.
I have finally said no to all of the Javerts in my life! I have risen up to say NO!!! This is MY life, these are MY children this is MY husband and we are going to do things our way, you can like it or not but this is how it is going to be.
It is then their CHOICE whether to stay or to go. You must be strong enough to let them go if they choose, you do not control their destiny either.
I have also said NO to letting food control my life, I know that there were and still are days where food gets the best of me, in fact I had Dairy Queen Saturday! FOR SHAME! Some days all I want to do is eat cake and ice cream, I don't know why but food is harder to stand up to then all of the Javerts in my life put together!
I am still learning to say no to fat unhealthy eating and yes to healthy eating, I don't know if this is a lesson that you ever fully learn, I think that it is a on going education with an ever changing curriculum I will teach what I can, and I will learn what I can so that I can teach even more.
Don't let anyone or anything control your life, it is your life live it to the fullest!
Oh boy!
Posted in on 7:01 PM by Valinda
What a week it has been! I have had such a busy week! It has been easy to stay on target this week so far because there has not been any time to eat! Or think about eating~!!! Also Aunt Flo is in town (wink wink) so I am bloated, have had a miserable headach, and been craving chocolate (which I don't like).
I feel all out of sorts but I have been exercising and doing what I need to do and to tell you the truth having that routine when life is out of wack is really nice. I know that no matter how hectic my life gets I have that small piece of normalcy to look forward to it's comforting.
I don't really have any pearls of wisdom to share today, I can't get my brain to focus enough to be wisdomful lol!!
So with that, have a good nite my friends!
I feel all out of sorts but I have been exercising and doing what I need to do and to tell you the truth having that routine when life is out of wack is really nice. I know that no matter how hectic my life gets I have that small piece of normalcy to look forward to it's comforting.
I don't really have any pearls of wisdom to share today, I can't get my brain to focus enough to be wisdomful lol!!
So with that, have a good nite my friends!
Posted in on 7:16 PM by ValindaYoga is a great way to relieve stress, it is also great for strengthing your core and is just all around good for you! Here are some poses for you to try!
Downward Dog: Beginner
•Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips.
•Walk hands a few inches forward and spread fingers wide, pressing palms into mat.
•Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing shoulders away from ears. Feet should be hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
•Hold for 3 full breaths.
The Crow: Beginner
Get into downward dog position (palms pressed into mat, feet hip-width apart) and walk feet forward until knees touch your arms.
Bend your elbows, lift heels off floor, and rest knees against the outside of your upper arms. Keep toes on floor, abs engaged and legs pressed against arms. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
The Lunge: Beginner
•Start in downward dog position. Step your right leg forward to the inside of your right hand.
•Drop your left knee to the floor and lift your chest up. Keeping your right knee in line with your ankle and your back straight, place hands on your knee. Hold for 10 breaths.
•Return to downward dog; switch legs and repeat
I do yoga on my Wii Fit and I love it, I really enjoy the relief and peace it brings me :)
Video blog take 2!!!
Posted in on 7:09 PM by Valinda
Ok going to see if this works!! (fingers crossed)!
A healthy state of mind
Posted in on 7:35 AM by Valinda
So as you are all aware I have struggled with my fat this week, moreso I think than at any other time so far in this journey. All I can say is Fat is tough!
It is Soooooo badass! It is a dirty fighter!! I feel like I've gone 100 rounds with Mike Tyson (ok maybe not) but man I feel like the bad end of a mexican dinner gone wrong (if you catch my drift lmao OMG I'm so funny) but I digress;
I ate really bad this week, I went out more than I should have, ate too many carbs, not enought fiber and so on an so forth. I did however stay on track with my exercise and that really is an important elemant, I didn't lose anything this week but i didn't gain so that's ok.
I find myself sometimes thinking about food a lot when I am super board, I am one of those people that always has to have something on my plate so when I don't eating is the first thing I think about. I used to turn to snacks for entertainment, sometimes I didn't even know I was eating that's how much of a habit it became. Habits are bad for the most part I think they make you do things without making a concious decision to do them. I have to think about everything that goes into my body so to do something by habit is not good.
Breaking habits is tough, I have never been good at it. I am a habitual person, I like to do things time and time again lol. Habits are a double edged sword because having a healthy habit in exercising is good but having a habit of eating chips everytime you sit down to watch a movie is not a good habit.
I think that we can over come but we have to be able to tell the good habits from the bad ones I hope that my blog helps with that a little. I am enjoying sharing my journey with you and I hope you are enjoying the ride!
Till later!
Off the beaten path
Posted in on 7:34 PM by Valinda
Today was another beautiful day! I am going to take a little side track from the purpose of this blog on this post. I am feeling very emotional about some things that are going on in my life and the lives of those close to me.
I want to reach out and hug each and everyone of you! I want to hold you and tell you that it will all be ok, but I know that when times are tough it is so hard to see the light and the lesson of our trials and tribulations. But there is light.
I have been through some dark days in my 33 years of existence, I lived a "rough" life and there were years for me without light. I had no hope of ever being better, I had no hope period.
I was a completely different person, I hated people I never hugged anyone it was a very uncomfortable moment for me when someone would hug me in fact it made me angry.
Inside though I was someone different, I was sad and broken and I wanted someone to help me, I didn't want to be the person I was I wanted to change to have a chance at a happy life but I did not see a way out and honestly I didn't think anyone cared enough about me to even give a crap anyway.
But someone did care, in fact a lot of someones cared and with them I learned how to function as a real person, not a bad ass, not the tough girl but I learned who the real Valinda was and I like her much better. I would be no where without these people. I would have probably ended up in jail. That's the honest truth.
I want to let the people in my life know that I am grateful for them everyday, that I love and care about them. They are my heart. I know you are going through a tough patch but that is all it is I will be your light if you allow me to be let me hold you and guide you as you have done for me so many times.
I love you.
I want to reach out and hug each and everyone of you! I want to hold you and tell you that it will all be ok, but I know that when times are tough it is so hard to see the light and the lesson of our trials and tribulations. But there is light.
I have been through some dark days in my 33 years of existence, I lived a "rough" life and there were years for me without light. I had no hope of ever being better, I had no hope period.
I was a completely different person, I hated people I never hugged anyone it was a very uncomfortable moment for me when someone would hug me in fact it made me angry.
Inside though I was someone different, I was sad and broken and I wanted someone to help me, I didn't want to be the person I was I wanted to change to have a chance at a happy life but I did not see a way out and honestly I didn't think anyone cared enough about me to even give a crap anyway.
But someone did care, in fact a lot of someones cared and with them I learned how to function as a real person, not a bad ass, not the tough girl but I learned who the real Valinda was and I like her much better. I would be no where without these people. I would have probably ended up in jail. That's the honest truth.
I want to let the people in my life know that I am grateful for them everyday, that I love and care about them. They are my heart. I know you are going through a tough patch but that is all it is I will be your light if you allow me to be let me hold you and guide you as you have done for me so many times.
I love you.
Not Ignoring my blog!
Posted in on 6:07 PM by Valinda
Sorry guys!
I have been trying to post a video on here from my new laptop and apparently it makes the files entirely too big so I have been working on that. Hopefully tomorrow my wonderful husband will have a new program for me to use so that I can change the settings on the webcam. I want you guys to see my personality!!!
So I will get it up and working I just don't know when but it will happen.
I did a good workout today and was watching food network ( I know right!) I love their Challenge shows though and today it was wedding cakes, some of the work these people do on a cake is just utterly amazing to me. This one lady did friggin sugar nuts and berries and I could not tell they weren't the real thing! Amazing I say!
So that really didn't have anything to do with anything but I do enjoy watching a good cake show!! Probably because I love cake! But again besides the point.
So I think that I can honestly say that I am struggling this week, I am hungry and tired. I have stayed on track but boy I don't want to! Every bone in my body wants to be bad! But I have not! I will not give in! FAT WILL NOT WIN!
I have had such a long week already but I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow and I think that he will be very surprised to see me! I am actually excited about getting on the scale! For the first time in a long time she will not have to go to the 200 mark! I am not at my goal weight far from it but I am confident that I will be there and I am sure my Dr. will be glad to see my progress! I'll let you know what he has to say!
Well this post will be short like I said I am tired! Keep up the fight my soldiers!!! We will beat the fat!
I have been trying to post a video on here from my new laptop and apparently it makes the files entirely too big so I have been working on that. Hopefully tomorrow my wonderful husband will have a new program for me to use so that I can change the settings on the webcam. I want you guys to see my personality!!!
So I will get it up and working I just don't know when but it will happen.
I did a good workout today and was watching food network ( I know right!) I love their Challenge shows though and today it was wedding cakes, some of the work these people do on a cake is just utterly amazing to me. This one lady did friggin sugar nuts and berries and I could not tell they weren't the real thing! Amazing I say!
So that really didn't have anything to do with anything but I do enjoy watching a good cake show!! Probably because I love cake! But again besides the point.
So I think that I can honestly say that I am struggling this week, I am hungry and tired. I have stayed on track but boy I don't want to! Every bone in my body wants to be bad! But I have not! I will not give in! FAT WILL NOT WIN!
I have had such a long week already but I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow and I think that he will be very surprised to see me! I am actually excited about getting on the scale! For the first time in a long time she will not have to go to the 200 mark! I am not at my goal weight far from it but I am confident that I will be there and I am sure my Dr. will be glad to see my progress! I'll let you know what he has to say!
Well this post will be short like I said I am tired! Keep up the fight my soldiers!!! We will beat the fat!
Ad and Scam overload!
Posted in on 6:53 PM by Valinda
Ok so this is a rant, I am so sick of seeing advertisements for getting high school skinny, lose weight fast, magic cookie diet Acai berry I can go on and on and on. I see these everyday and I know you do too, you can miss it especially if you are a person like me who so desperately wants to lose weight.
I don't know about you but I know that I sure feel like crap after I see all the fantastic "results". I have tried it all! I have followed these diets to the "T" and I did have some success but none of the fad dieting is sustainable, you can NOT live that way! You just can't I don't care what celebrity supports what diet FAD DIETS DON'T WORK! Life style changes are what work, period. That's all, the end.
You can not be perfect all the time, human beings can not be perfect so to be on a regimented diet where one little mistake can throw the whole diet out of wack! Not only will it be a set back but it will be a huge motivational killer!!!! The feeling of defeat will kill your motivation faster than anything "well screw it I messed it up might as well eat!" I have said this myself on many occasions which is why I find myself in my current situation.
Remember everything we do everyday changes our bodies. Don't expect to lose weight like you did when you were 16 if your 30 and have children, you won't so don't let yourself get upset about it. It's ok we will just have to find another way that works for us but it will not come in a pill, or a magic elixir not a pair of sneakers and not with a cookie, just not going to happen at least not for the long haul.
The only thing you can do that will work is to eat healthy, cut your calories watch your portions and get up and move. You will lose weight, build muscle and shape up. Not only that but you will feel so good, no jitters no withdrawals nothing just health, feeling good inside and out!
I know it;s hard, but I'm doing it and so can you!!!!!
Till later!
I don't know about you but I know that I sure feel like crap after I see all the fantastic "results". I have tried it all! I have followed these diets to the "T" and I did have some success but none of the fad dieting is sustainable, you can NOT live that way! You just can't I don't care what celebrity supports what diet FAD DIETS DON'T WORK! Life style changes are what work, period. That's all, the end.
You can not be perfect all the time, human beings can not be perfect so to be on a regimented diet where one little mistake can throw the whole diet out of wack! Not only will it be a set back but it will be a huge motivational killer!!!! The feeling of defeat will kill your motivation faster than anything "well screw it I messed it up might as well eat!" I have said this myself on many occasions which is why I find myself in my current situation.
Remember everything we do everyday changes our bodies. Don't expect to lose weight like you did when you were 16 if your 30 and have children, you won't so don't let yourself get upset about it. It's ok we will just have to find another way that works for us but it will not come in a pill, or a magic elixir not a pair of sneakers and not with a cookie, just not going to happen at least not for the long haul.
The only thing you can do that will work is to eat healthy, cut your calories watch your portions and get up and move. You will lose weight, build muscle and shape up. Not only that but you will feel so good, no jitters no withdrawals nothing just health, feeling good inside and out!
I know it;s hard, but I'm doing it and so can you!!!!!
Till later!
Renaissance Festival!
Posted in on 7:07 PM by Valinda
We are going to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow! I look forward to this every year it is so much fun!
It's also a hidden workout! It is hours and hours of walking! Fun and Fit this is my kind of exercise!
Everyone runs around like in midevil times there are tuns of stuff to see and do I just enjoy it!
So do this kids and it gives them a day to run around out in Arizona before it gets too hot!!
I probably won't stick to my diet tomorrow but that's ok it will be a lot of fun and it will even out with all the walking i will be doing. This is why I am losing the weight right! To have fun with my family and that's what I am doing tomorrow.
The funny thing is though that on days that I think I am going to go off my diet I end up doing really well so we will see.
Have fun tomorrow fellow friends! I will update tomorrow on our day!
It's also a hidden workout! It is hours and hours of walking! Fun and Fit this is my kind of exercise!
Everyone runs around like in midevil times there are tuns of stuff to see and do I just enjoy it!
So do this kids and it gives them a day to run around out in Arizona before it gets too hot!!
I probably won't stick to my diet tomorrow but that's ok it will be a lot of fun and it will even out with all the walking i will be doing. This is why I am losing the weight right! To have fun with my family and that's what I am doing tomorrow.
The funny thing is though that on days that I think I am going to go off my diet I end up doing really well so we will see.
Have fun tomorrow fellow friends! I will update tomorrow on our day!
It's so hard!
Posted in on 6:45 PM by Anonymous
Working out is so hard sometimes, I am so busy! My kids need dinner and showers and homework needs to be done.
I also have so much to do when I get home. I make wedding invitations and have been busy with that and I can only do it from home. I leave my house at 6am and if I am lucky I get home by 7pm. Bed time is 9pm. How in the world can I possibly find a minute to workout?!!??!?!
I can’t do it!!
Then I smack myself upside the head and snap myself back to realilty. I don’t have time, I just don’t there aren’t enough hours in the day.
But I have to workout. Period. The end. This is not an option. I consider working out like breathing if I don’t do it I die. Simple, I think we can all understand that right?!
It has to be that way, at least for me because as you can see above I am a master winer and I can make the best excuses! I mean I am really good at convincing myself not to do something!
That’s what got me into this mess to begin with. I always made an excuse why I would do better tomorrow, why I couldn’t do it right now but I would for sure do it later.
When is later? I asked myself that because I put stuff off till later years ago and I still haven’t done them! Well I have made it a fact for me that NOW is Later.
I am living life now, because it’s too short not to. I remember being 15 yesterday and now I am 33 (WTF when did THAT happen?) eh hum.
I was not living a full life before April of last year, I let a lot of people have control of myself, my life and my emotions.
I am the kind of person that takes pleasure in doing for other people even if it hurts me, emotionally, financially you name it. Then when I am alone I eat.
When I was younger I never let anyone mess with me. No one hurt my feelings because I didn’t get close enough to them. I was angry all the time and as my husband can attest to I can still get a little crazy angry and when I am stay out of my way because I will probably roll over you like a steam roller and I hit below the belt. I know how to affect people emotionally call it a gift (only it isn’t)
I think somewhere in there my anger and sadness and lonliness turned into hunger, I don’t know when that happened exactly but it did.
Growing up we never ate right. My mom cooked home made meals that were delicious but I don’t know if they were balanced exactly. We ate a lot of pasta and potatoes and such, but I was active so I didn’t really gain anything at that point.
I still love Carbohydrates, they are my weakness but I have learned how to eat them and how to incorporate them in my diet.
I guess where I am going with this post is that no matter what your background is this is an attainable goal. We have to put the past behind us and live in the now. Because the now is what matters the before is over and done with but what we do now affects later and later I want to be a healthier version on me. I can accomplish this and I promise you can too.
Till later! Yours Forever,
I also have so much to do when I get home. I make wedding invitations and have been busy with that and I can only do it from home. I leave my house at 6am and if I am lucky I get home by 7pm. Bed time is 9pm. How in the world can I possibly find a minute to workout?!!??!?!
I can’t do it!!
Then I smack myself upside the head and snap myself back to realilty. I don’t have time, I just don’t there aren’t enough hours in the day.
But I have to workout. Period. The end. This is not an option. I consider working out like breathing if I don’t do it I die. Simple, I think we can all understand that right?!
It has to be that way, at least for me because as you can see above I am a master winer and I can make the best excuses! I mean I am really good at convincing myself not to do something!
That’s what got me into this mess to begin with. I always made an excuse why I would do better tomorrow, why I couldn’t do it right now but I would for sure do it later.
When is later? I asked myself that because I put stuff off till later years ago and I still haven’t done them! Well I have made it a fact for me that NOW is Later.
I am living life now, because it’s too short not to. I remember being 15 yesterday and now I am 33 (WTF when did THAT happen?) eh hum.
I was not living a full life before April of last year, I let a lot of people have control of myself, my life and my emotions.
I am the kind of person that takes pleasure in doing for other people even if it hurts me, emotionally, financially you name it. Then when I am alone I eat.
When I was younger I never let anyone mess with me. No one hurt my feelings because I didn’t get close enough to them. I was angry all the time and as my husband can attest to I can still get a little crazy angry and when I am stay out of my way because I will probably roll over you like a steam roller and I hit below the belt. I know how to affect people emotionally call it a gift (only it isn’t)
I think somewhere in there my anger and sadness and lonliness turned into hunger, I don’t know when that happened exactly but it did.
Growing up we never ate right. My mom cooked home made meals that were delicious but I don’t know if they were balanced exactly. We ate a lot of pasta and potatoes and such, but I was active so I didn’t really gain anything at that point.
I still love Carbohydrates, they are my weakness but I have learned how to eat them and how to incorporate them in my diet.
I guess where I am going with this post is that no matter what your background is this is an attainable goal. We have to put the past behind us and live in the now. Because the now is what matters the before is over and done with but what we do now affects later and later I want to be a healthier version on me. I can accomplish this and I promise you can too.
Till later! Yours Forever,
Smart Phones
Posted in on 7:39 PM by AnonymousHow many of my blog friends have a Smart Phone ie. Iphone, My touch, HTC or Goole phones? If you have a Smart Phone go into your apps and look up nutrition and see how many FREE apps there are to help you on your weight loss journey! There are BMI caculators, calorie counters, receipe apps.
There are apps for diabetics as well that help you keep track of your blood sugar!
There are exercise apps and apps that teach you how to control your blood pressure and cholestrol!
I just got a Smart Phone and I have downloaded a bunch of apps to use and I am so friggin excited! As I try them out I'll post about them and let you know which ones are the most useful and which ones aren't so great.
This is just another tool in your arsenol to FIGHT YOUR FAT!
Let me know if you find any you like!
Great Tips!
Posted in on 7:30 PM by Anonymous
I found this great article and I wanted to share it! This is what I have been doing all along but this is a quick reference guide! It holds true everything I believe about weight loss! Happy reading!
Diet and Weight Loss Tips
Weight Loss Information and Tips for Getting Started
Calories per Hour offers the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. These tips are short and sweet and are intended as a starting point or quick reference for individuals seeking to lose weight by using the resources offered on Calories per Hour. Read the related tutorial topics to learn more about the topics discussed in these weight loss tips
1.How Did I Get Here?
Do you simply need help learning how to eat better? Probably. But if you eat poorly as a result of emotional, mental, or spiritual problems, they may have to be addressed before you can make any real progress with weight loss.
Even people who don't feel they have an eating disorder often turn to food for comfort. To learn to eat well and exercise regularly, you may also have to learn to handle the problems life throws at you without turning away from healthy eating and exercise.
Be particularly careful about all-or-nothing thinking. A common tendency when failing to stay on a diet is to abandon it altogether. Instead, try to learn from your mistakes and do better in the future.
Related Tutorial Topic: Eating Disorders
2.Are You Ready to Diet? Again?
Diets entice us with promises of quick weight loss. But focusing on quick weight loss can lead to unhealthy eating and only short term success.
While most diets produce quick weight loss at the outset, they often cause your metabolism to slow. The result is that you have to eat less and less to keep losing weight. You quickly become discouraged, give up, and start eating like you used to. But now, with a slower metabolism, you regain all the weight you lost, and more.
Focus instead on improving your health, and you will become slim and healthy.
Related Tutorial Topic: Selecting a Diet Plan
3.Take Control of What You Eat
There are few things that we have complete control over, but what we put in our mouths is one of them. We don't have to lose control in a restaurant or a friend's home, and we don't have to eat everything that's put in front of us.
Consider this: We love fat because it carries flavor, and restaurants aren't as interested in whether we'll be around in 30 years as whether we'll be back next week. And what about our friends?
4.Eat Frequently, and Eat Slowly
It is important to understand what happens when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet. When you skip a meal your metabolism slows to conserve your energy. And when you lose weight too quickly for a few days, your body thinks it is threatened with starvation and goes into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores, and any weight loss comes mostly from water and muscle.
Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, and eat healthy snacks between meals. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and the binges that follow, provides consistent energy, and may be the single most effective way to maintain metabolism efficiency.
Eating slowly gives our bodies time to tell us they are full before we've eaten more than we need.
Related Tutorial Topic: Raise Your Metabolism and Burn More Calories
5.Eat More Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains
People who eat healthy, mostly unprocessed foods, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and limited amounts of lean animal protein, often find that they can eat as much as they want without gaining weight. If they are switching from a diet containing lots of processed foods, they find that they can eat more yet consume fewer calories -- and they lose weight.
Historically, the Chinese ate mostly rice and vegetables with a little lean meat for protein and flavor, nothing like the American Chinese restaurant dishes of deep fried sweet and sour pork. A step back to more natural foods would improve our health and waistlines.
Related Tutorial Topic: Why Healthy Food Makes You Slim
6.Eat More Fiber
Fiber makes us feel full sooner and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. Due to its greater fiber content, a single serving of whole grain bread can be more filling than two servings of white bread. Fiber also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed.
Refined grains like white rice and those used to make white bread and sugary breakfast cereals have had most of their fiber and nutrients stripped away. They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself, they can cause a spike in our insulin level. This tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.
Eating foods with plenty of fiber will help keep our blood sugar at a more consistent level.
Related Tutorial Topic: How Fiber Helps You Lose Weight
7.Cut Down on Sugar
Be careful about sugar in coffee and soda pop. It can add up quickly, and these drinks aren't filling.
Watch for "hidden" sugar in processed foods like bread, ketchup, salad dressing, canned fruit, applesauce, peanut butter, and soups. And be careful with "fat-free" products. Sugar is often used to replace the flavor that is lost when the fat is removed. Fat-free does not mean calorie-free.
The greater concern with the insulin spike (above) is not that it tells our body to start storing fat. Whatever we eat and don't burn up eventually gets turned into fat anyway.
The greater concern is that the insulin spike is followed by a drop in insulin level that leaves us feeling tired and hungry and wanting to eat more. The unfortunate result of this scenario is that it makes us want to eat something else with a high sugar content. When we do, we start the cycle all over again.
Regulating your blood sugar level is the most effective way to maintain your fat-burning capacity.
Related Tutorial Topic: How Blood Sugar Levels Affect Weight Loss
8.Too Much of a Bad Thing
Foods like cheese stand out as among the most fat-laden, with a great number of calories coming from fat. But as important as it is to select the healthiest foods, it is also important to consider how they are prepared.
Fried foods, especially deep-fried, contain a great amount of fat. While chicken and fish are usually leaner than beef or pork, they can contain more fat when they are fried. Look at how the number of grams of fat in a chicken breast changes depending on how it is cooked:
Cooking Method Fat
Meat Only, Roasted 3.1
Meat Only, Fried 4.1
Meat and Skin, Batter Fried 18.5
"Fried food? All I eat is salad and I still can't lose weight!"
Be careful with salad dressings, mayonnaise, and other condiments that are high in fat content. They greatly increase the calorie count and can negate the healthy aspects of a meal. Replace mayonnaise-based condiments with fat-free alternatives like fat-free yogurt, mustard, ketchup and barbecue sauce.
And remember, a gram of fat contains more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate.
Related Tutorial Topic: Calories in Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates
9.Too Little of a Good Thing
But don't try to eliminate fat altogether, as dietary fat is necessary to maintain a healthy body. It is a vital component for building body tissue and cells, and it aids in the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. Many people eat too much of the bad fats, but also eat too little of the good fats required for optimal health.
Related Tutorial Topic: Good Fats and Bad Fats
10.Exercise Regularly
People who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster, they are more successful at keeping it off. Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.
At home, at the gym, or playing sports, participate in both aerobic and strength building activities on a regular basis. Not only does the exercise itself burn calories, but your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you're done exercising.
If walking is all you can do, then walk because it's great for you. But muscle burns more calories than fat, so put on a little muscle if you can and you will burn more calories just sitting there... looking good.
But don't sit too long. The human body is good at adapting. If you dig ditches without gloves, you will develop calluses to protect your hands. If you sit too long, you will develop extra padding to keep you comfortable!
Related Tutorial Topic: Why Exercise Is Important for Weight Loss
11.Take It Easy
Unless you are excited to be following a very specific diet and exercise plan, do not try and change too much too fast. If you have been eating poorly and not exercising, both your body and your mind will have a lot of adjusting to do.
All the sugar and fat were actually quite enjoyable, and sitting on the couch didn't feel too bad, either. If you try and change everything too quickly the odds are greater that you will feel bad, get discouraged, and give up. So be patient.
A time will come when a healthy snack will taste as good as the junk food you felt bad about eating, and you will look forward to your regular exercise.
12.Begin Now
You can achieve your goals, but it won't likely happen as a result of the next fad diet. Or the one after that.
Diet and Weight Loss Tips
Weight Loss Information and Tips for Getting Started
Calories per Hour offers the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. These tips are short and sweet and are intended as a starting point or quick reference for individuals seeking to lose weight by using the resources offered on Calories per Hour. Read the related tutorial topics to learn more about the topics discussed in these weight loss tips
1.How Did I Get Here?
Do you simply need help learning how to eat better? Probably. But if you eat poorly as a result of emotional, mental, or spiritual problems, they may have to be addressed before you can make any real progress with weight loss.
Even people who don't feel they have an eating disorder often turn to food for comfort. To learn to eat well and exercise regularly, you may also have to learn to handle the problems life throws at you without turning away from healthy eating and exercise.
Be particularly careful about all-or-nothing thinking. A common tendency when failing to stay on a diet is to abandon it altogether. Instead, try to learn from your mistakes and do better in the future.
Related Tutorial Topic: Eating Disorders
2.Are You Ready to Diet? Again?
Diets entice us with promises of quick weight loss. But focusing on quick weight loss can lead to unhealthy eating and only short term success.
While most diets produce quick weight loss at the outset, they often cause your metabolism to slow. The result is that you have to eat less and less to keep losing weight. You quickly become discouraged, give up, and start eating like you used to. But now, with a slower metabolism, you regain all the weight you lost, and more.
Focus instead on improving your health, and you will become slim and healthy.
Related Tutorial Topic: Selecting a Diet Plan
3.Take Control of What You Eat
There are few things that we have complete control over, but what we put in our mouths is one of them. We don't have to lose control in a restaurant or a friend's home, and we don't have to eat everything that's put in front of us.
Consider this: We love fat because it carries flavor, and restaurants aren't as interested in whether we'll be around in 30 years as whether we'll be back next week. And what about our friends?
4.Eat Frequently, and Eat Slowly
It is important to understand what happens when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet. When you skip a meal your metabolism slows to conserve your energy. And when you lose weight too quickly for a few days, your body thinks it is threatened with starvation and goes into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores, and any weight loss comes mostly from water and muscle.
Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, and eat healthy snacks between meals. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and the binges that follow, provides consistent energy, and may be the single most effective way to maintain metabolism efficiency.
Eating slowly gives our bodies time to tell us they are full before we've eaten more than we need.
Related Tutorial Topic: Raise Your Metabolism and Burn More Calories
5.Eat More Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains
People who eat healthy, mostly unprocessed foods, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and limited amounts of lean animal protein, often find that they can eat as much as they want without gaining weight. If they are switching from a diet containing lots of processed foods, they find that they can eat more yet consume fewer calories -- and they lose weight.
Historically, the Chinese ate mostly rice and vegetables with a little lean meat for protein and flavor, nothing like the American Chinese restaurant dishes of deep fried sweet and sour pork. A step back to more natural foods would improve our health and waistlines.
Related Tutorial Topic: Why Healthy Food Makes You Slim
6.Eat More Fiber
Fiber makes us feel full sooner and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. Due to its greater fiber content, a single serving of whole grain bread can be more filling than two servings of white bread. Fiber also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed.
Refined grains like white rice and those used to make white bread and sugary breakfast cereals have had most of their fiber and nutrients stripped away. They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself, they can cause a spike in our insulin level. This tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.
Eating foods with plenty of fiber will help keep our blood sugar at a more consistent level.
Related Tutorial Topic: How Fiber Helps You Lose Weight
7.Cut Down on Sugar
Be careful about sugar in coffee and soda pop. It can add up quickly, and these drinks aren't filling.
Watch for "hidden" sugar in processed foods like bread, ketchup, salad dressing, canned fruit, applesauce, peanut butter, and soups. And be careful with "fat-free" products. Sugar is often used to replace the flavor that is lost when the fat is removed. Fat-free does not mean calorie-free.
The greater concern with the insulin spike (above) is not that it tells our body to start storing fat. Whatever we eat and don't burn up eventually gets turned into fat anyway.
The greater concern is that the insulin spike is followed by a drop in insulin level that leaves us feeling tired and hungry and wanting to eat more. The unfortunate result of this scenario is that it makes us want to eat something else with a high sugar content. When we do, we start the cycle all over again.
Regulating your blood sugar level is the most effective way to maintain your fat-burning capacity.
Related Tutorial Topic: How Blood Sugar Levels Affect Weight Loss
8.Too Much of a Bad Thing
Foods like cheese stand out as among the most fat-laden, with a great number of calories coming from fat. But as important as it is to select the healthiest foods, it is also important to consider how they are prepared.
Fried foods, especially deep-fried, contain a great amount of fat. While chicken and fish are usually leaner than beef or pork, they can contain more fat when they are fried. Look at how the number of grams of fat in a chicken breast changes depending on how it is cooked:
Cooking Method Fat
Meat Only, Roasted 3.1
Meat Only, Fried 4.1
Meat and Skin, Batter Fried 18.5
"Fried food? All I eat is salad and I still can't lose weight!"
Be careful with salad dressings, mayonnaise, and other condiments that are high in fat content. They greatly increase the calorie count and can negate the healthy aspects of a meal. Replace mayonnaise-based condiments with fat-free alternatives like fat-free yogurt, mustard, ketchup and barbecue sauce.
And remember, a gram of fat contains more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate.
Related Tutorial Topic: Calories in Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates
9.Too Little of a Good Thing
But don't try to eliminate fat altogether, as dietary fat is necessary to maintain a healthy body. It is a vital component for building body tissue and cells, and it aids in the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. Many people eat too much of the bad fats, but also eat too little of the good fats required for optimal health.
Related Tutorial Topic: Good Fats and Bad Fats
10.Exercise Regularly
People who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster, they are more successful at keeping it off. Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.
At home, at the gym, or playing sports, participate in both aerobic and strength building activities on a regular basis. Not only does the exercise itself burn calories, but your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you're done exercising.
If walking is all you can do, then walk because it's great for you. But muscle burns more calories than fat, so put on a little muscle if you can and you will burn more calories just sitting there... looking good.
But don't sit too long. The human body is good at adapting. If you dig ditches without gloves, you will develop calluses to protect your hands. If you sit too long, you will develop extra padding to keep you comfortable!
Related Tutorial Topic: Why Exercise Is Important for Weight Loss
11.Take It Easy
Unless you are excited to be following a very specific diet and exercise plan, do not try and change too much too fast. If you have been eating poorly and not exercising, both your body and your mind will have a lot of adjusting to do.
All the sugar and fat were actually quite enjoyable, and sitting on the couch didn't feel too bad, either. If you try and change everything too quickly the odds are greater that you will feel bad, get discouraged, and give up. So be patient.
A time will come when a healthy snack will taste as good as the junk food you felt bad about eating, and you will look forward to your regular exercise.
12.Begin Now
You can achieve your goals, but it won't likely happen as a result of the next fad diet. Or the one after that.
Posted in on 7:16 PM by Anonymous
Hi guys! Sorry it’s been a few days blogger took down my blog for some reason, I think it was because I changed my Google account but I just got it back last night. I’ll try not to do that again!
So I have to share with you all! I went shopping for some work clothes this weekend because all of my suites fall off of me now.
Anyway I have been afraid to try anything on because I was afraid of being disappointed, I didn’t want to get my hopes up that I went down in size even though my clothes are big (don’t ask me the logic behind this because I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me either!) but I have a big meeting tomorrow and I wanted to look nice so off to the store I went. The first suit I tried was an 18 (my before size) it was of course big but now so big that I thought hey this is so big!
So then I got nervous, do I try a 16? Do I attempt it? What happens if I try it and it’s too small? How will I feel? It could ruin my whole day do I risk it or remain in my 18’s??? Such a conundrum!
I decided to go for it. If I am not a 16 then I won’t tell anyone! It will be my dirty little secret! No one will know muahahahahahaha (so not true if you know me at all you know I leave my life open like a book and secrets are not my style) but that’s what it took for me to grab the 16 so I said it and I believed it! (only I didn’t)
In the dressing room getting ready to put the pants on, one leg in (whew) not too tight! Second leg in (whew) still ok, pull the pants over the butt (cringe, squint eyes don’t watch) hey not so bad. Pull pants together to button, suck in with all my might close eyes pray to Jesus, please let me just get these buttoned. Finally I button them, open one eye, open the other eye, look in the mirror, too big!
What!!!! Yes they were too big! I think I had an out of body experience at this point. I floated above myself and was like are you kidding! This can not be me! Only it was! It was me! I went and grabbed a 14! Fit like a glove, love it no muffin top!
So while I am not at my ideal weight I am making progress and honestly I never thought I would see a size 14 in my closet again.
It goes to show as I have said all along, if I can do it anyone can! I am nothing special just a fluffy girl trying to get less fluffy and for once in my life I am seeing results! Share your successes with me! Comment!!! I want to highlight you and your successes too!
So I have to share with you all! I went shopping for some work clothes this weekend because all of my suites fall off of me now.
Anyway I have been afraid to try anything on because I was afraid of being disappointed, I didn’t want to get my hopes up that I went down in size even though my clothes are big (don’t ask me the logic behind this because I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me either!) but I have a big meeting tomorrow and I wanted to look nice so off to the store I went. The first suit I tried was an 18 (my before size) it was of course big but now so big that I thought hey this is so big!
So then I got nervous, do I try a 16? Do I attempt it? What happens if I try it and it’s too small? How will I feel? It could ruin my whole day do I risk it or remain in my 18’s??? Such a conundrum!
I decided to go for it. If I am not a 16 then I won’t tell anyone! It will be my dirty little secret! No one will know muahahahahahaha (so not true if you know me at all you know I leave my life open like a book and secrets are not my style) but that’s what it took for me to grab the 16 so I said it and I believed it! (only I didn’t)
In the dressing room getting ready to put the pants on, one leg in (whew) not too tight! Second leg in (whew) still ok, pull the pants over the butt (cringe, squint eyes don’t watch) hey not so bad. Pull pants together to button, suck in with all my might close eyes pray to Jesus, please let me just get these buttoned. Finally I button them, open one eye, open the other eye, look in the mirror, too big!
What!!!! Yes they were too big! I think I had an out of body experience at this point. I floated above myself and was like are you kidding! This can not be me! Only it was! It was me! I went and grabbed a 14! Fit like a glove, love it no muffin top!
So while I am not at my ideal weight I am making progress and honestly I never thought I would see a size 14 in my closet again.
It goes to show as I have said all along, if I can do it anyone can! I am nothing special just a fluffy girl trying to get less fluffy and for once in my life I am seeing results! Share your successes with me! Comment!!! I want to highlight you and your successes too!
We can motivate each other with our successes!
Shape Ups part 2
Posted in on 8:58 PM by Anonymous
Ok I wore my Shape Ups alllllll day today and they were awesome, I definatly felt it and my legs are super tired tonight. I am really tired in general actually. They are comfortable and were not hard to wear at all so i give these shoes an A+!
In other news I was out today looking for a new washing machine. I did find one I liked and they are delevering it tomorrow! I will get me work out tomorrow just doing the 4000 lbs of laundry I have to do.
I had a conversation with my bff today and she is feeling discouraged because her weight is not coming off as fast as she thought it would and she is kind of in a rut. She is doing really well and her exercising routine is great but she is still not seeing the results she wants. I told her to not let this get to her so much! There are so many positives to what she has accomplished! She has lost 10lbs! She is MOVING! She is eating better! All of these things are just as important as getting the weight off as long as you stay on track the weight will come off it just comes off faster in some people.
If you really feel like you have plateau'd take a look as your lifestyle. Is there something that you could cut out? Is there something you could be doing better? There will always be room for improvement so if you feel stuck change things around.
You are going to fit as you exercise that you are going to need to add to your routine. You are going to have to exercise longer and hard to burn those calories because your becoming more fit and you body will require more work! This is a great thing! This means you are doing it right! So when you can add 5 or 10 min to your workout or add heavier weights, a thicker band or more situps!
You will find that your body will start to crave the workout and your energy lever will sky rocket!
I can see a difference in my bff and I am very proud of her!!! She is on the right track and we all get discouraged but that's why we need to be here for eachother! To help pick up your friends when they are down. I get down too and I need you all to help pick me up too!
Love to you all! Talk to you soon!
In other news I was out today looking for a new washing machine. I did find one I liked and they are delevering it tomorrow! I will get me work out tomorrow just doing the 4000 lbs of laundry I have to do.
I had a conversation with my bff today and she is feeling discouraged because her weight is not coming off as fast as she thought it would and she is kind of in a rut. She is doing really well and her exercising routine is great but she is still not seeing the results she wants. I told her to not let this get to her so much! There are so many positives to what she has accomplished! She has lost 10lbs! She is MOVING! She is eating better! All of these things are just as important as getting the weight off as long as you stay on track the weight will come off it just comes off faster in some people.
If you really feel like you have plateau'd take a look as your lifestyle. Is there something that you could cut out? Is there something you could be doing better? There will always be room for improvement so if you feel stuck change things around.
You are going to fit as you exercise that you are going to need to add to your routine. You are going to have to exercise longer and hard to burn those calories because your becoming more fit and you body will require more work! This is a great thing! This means you are doing it right! So when you can add 5 or 10 min to your workout or add heavier weights, a thicker band or more situps!
You will find that your body will start to crave the workout and your energy lever will sky rocket!
I can see a difference in my bff and I am very proud of her!!! She is on the right track and we all get discouraged but that's why we need to be here for eachother! To help pick up your friends when they are down. I get down too and I need you all to help pick me up too!
Love to you all! Talk to you soon!
Sketchers Shape Ups
Posted in on 9:31 PM by AnonymousI have only tried them on but tomorrow I am going to do some extensive shopping for a washing machine so I am hoping to have a full report for you all tomorrow!
As I have said 100 times there is not a magic pill or diet that will make the pounds just fall off with no effort and these shoes are no exception, they may add a little toning to your butt, legs and abs but they are not a workout. You still need to get up and move everyday and by that I mean more that putting on your sneakers every morning.
I think the shoes in themselves will be a good reminder of the path I am on though. Everytime I take a step I will remember just why I am doing what I am doing. I am getting healthy for my family.
Also I broke down and bought a new pair of pants in a smaller size than I have worn in a long time but logically since all of my other pants fall down this was the next size to try. They fit like a glove which means that I have officially lost 4 pant sizes. I am amazed even as I stare at that sentence because I just never thought that it would be possible to say that. WOW
Hard work does payoff but you need to be patient, that is a skill I am slowly learning.
I hope you all have a beautiful night.
Posted in on 9:35 AM by Anonymous
Is having a GIVEAWAY!!! Check it out!!!!, she is an awesome blogger and was an inspiration for me to start a blog!!!!
Self Esteem
Posted in on 6:49 PM by AnonymousI found myself talking today to someone about self esteem. It got me to thinking. I believe most women have issues with this, not a shocking revelation really but what was eye opening to me was that I have self esteem issues.
I never thought that I did. I have always accepted who I am at this moment I am pretty happy, outgoing I like to have a good time and laugh and hangout with good friends.
But in this conversation I had today I said something that I didn’t even realize I felt this way until I said it and since this blog is about honesty I thought I would share it with you.
While I was talking today to this person we were talking about weight and issues and toning your body and being healthy as opposed to being skinny and I said this in response to a statement she made “I know how you feel. My husband is a good looking guy and I don’t like for his friends and co-workers to see me because I am embarrassed of what they will think of me.” “Most of his friends have cute wife’s and I don’t put myself in that category”
WHAT! What the heck just came out of my mouth! But as I reflected on this I realized that I spoke the truth. I am at times embarrassed of my weight and I don’t like to be seen.
Wow, I didn’t like that thought one bit but it’s true. I realize I still have a lot of changing to do. I also realize that I will always have a lot of changing to do. We are living breathing eating (lol) vessles and things will always change for us. Our weight, or financial situations, our family everything in life is a variable and therefore subject to change.
Isn’t that GREAT! That means that we are never stuck doing or being any one thing! We can be so many things! We make the choices that direct the changes in our life’s. We call the shots, make the rules, rule our destiny’s! WE! US!! YOU!! ME!!!! So we don’t have to be stuck doing the same old things that we have always done! We can change and we are changing! I am, you are all of us, so lets make it a change for the better shall we?
Until later!
Challange Results!
Posted in on 8:08 PM by Anonymous
The results are in! It was a fantastic! It was motivating! It was the best challange I have had in a looooog time!
So who won?!?!?!
Was it Valinda the Bruiser Evans??
Was is Jennifer the Punisher Evans??
Well . . . . . .
So who won?!?!?!
Was it Valinda the Bruiser Evans??
Was is Jennifer the Punisher Evans??
Well . . . . . .
That's right! We both lost 8.5 lbs in 30 days and we were both at a 5% loss in total body weight!
How awesome is that! Jen was super motivated and is so happy with her progress! I am super duper proud of her!!!
Here she is starting weight 201lbs new weight 192.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!! Great Job!!!!
Isn't her hair cute!
And here's me! Starting weight 193.5 new weight 185.00!!!!!!
Now heres a warning, this picture of me is not pretty, or cute like Jen's up there. I am exposing myself a little more (don't get dirty!) I am doing this for myself as I can see myself better on this blog than in real life. I have already said I will need surgery to correct a lot of my body issues but I am not ashamed of myself, this is me as I am now. I carry the scars or carring and bringing into this world two beautiful children and I do not regret a single moment. So without further adu'
Please don't click for the close up!! lol
Here is my scale as of 7:00pm this evening.
OMG, I have the same nail polish on my toes that I had on a month ago!!! For heavens sake!
So as the challange was a tie Jen and I are oing shopping and we are going to buy each other an outfit! How fun is that!!! We will even have some family bonding time which is the most important!
So Jen what do you say? Wanna do it again?
Posted in on 8:21 PM by Anonymous
I am tired! I workwd 12 hours today. I did not work out tonight. I just didn't have it in me tonight but it's ok. I will need to make it up but being too tired is not good for you either and since I am doing intense workouts now I just couldn't do it. But I feel a little dissappointed in myself but sometimes I guess it's just going to be that way.
This is not going to discourage me I am more motivated than that! Give me some credit! LOL! This is going to be a short post as I said I am tired! Have a good and healthy nite!
This is not going to discourage me I am more motivated than that! Give me some credit! LOL! This is going to be a short post as I said I am tired! Have a good and healthy nite!
P90X Review
Posted in on 8:24 PM by Anonymous
OMG! That's all I can say, that was one intense workout. I hurt all over and I don't want to think about what I will feel like tomorrow! It was so good though, I mean really, really good! I can see how this workout pushes your body to the extreme. I did most of the workout but took breaks during some of the reps which is ok per the program because you need to work your way towards being able to do 30 - 50 reps. I kept it at a solid 30 for most of them although I will have to admit that there were some that I couldn't even do at all but he said as long as you try that counts so try I did!
What was really cool about this workout was that they showed you different levels of the exercise at the same time. So there were 3 people on the video, one was like a "begginer" one was "intermediate" and one was "advanced". This was a good way to show different ways to do the same exercise without hurting yourself and working with your fitness level.
Now being a fluffy person some of the streaches were hard and there was a lot of up and down exercises but I pushed through it and it really wasn't that bad, just do what you can as Tony says (he's the instructor and the developer of this program) today was the core work out tomorrow will be cardio.
The basis of his program is what Tony calls muscle confusion, so what that means is if you do the same workout tape or routine every day your muscles get used to the work out hence they don't work so hard and you lose the benefit of the workout so Tony has developed this 7 day a week program so that your muscles never do the same things. Hence you never have the chance to get used to the workout, just as you start to become comfortable he changes the routine.
Is this a kick butt workout? Hell YES! Is it hard? Oh god YES! Will it benefit me? Only time will tell, it's hard and they are 1 hour workouts so there has to be a real dedication to it in order to get it to work, if your mind and heart aren't into it there will be no benefit as you will not be working as hard as you need to see the results you want.
I think this will really help me tone up and it has a lot of promise for me, even though I am fluffy I used to be a dancer and my muscles take longer to get a workout then someone who has never done a sport or a consistant work out. I needed something that got my body to a level that I was burning the max amout of calories and I think this might be it, again only time will tell.
Remember please to ALWAYS check with your Dr. before changing your workout routine or diet, as I have mentioned before this is so important to your overall health and performance! Your Dr. is your best guide to a better you! Don't try to go from 0 - 100 in a week you will fail and feel miserable and possibly hurt yourself in the process.
Slow and steady wins the race! Remember we didn't get heavy in a day or a week so why do we think we should lose it that fast!?!?!?!?! You can't don't set yourself up to fail, set yourself up to be a success! I know you can!! I know I can!! And together we can do it!!
What was really cool about this workout was that they showed you different levels of the exercise at the same time. So there were 3 people on the video, one was like a "begginer" one was "intermediate" and one was "advanced". This was a good way to show different ways to do the same exercise without hurting yourself and working with your fitness level.
Now being a fluffy person some of the streaches were hard and there was a lot of up and down exercises but I pushed through it and it really wasn't that bad, just do what you can as Tony says (he's the instructor and the developer of this program) today was the core work out tomorrow will be cardio.
The basis of his program is what Tony calls muscle confusion, so what that means is if you do the same workout tape or routine every day your muscles get used to the work out hence they don't work so hard and you lose the benefit of the workout so Tony has developed this 7 day a week program so that your muscles never do the same things. Hence you never have the chance to get used to the workout, just as you start to become comfortable he changes the routine.
Is this a kick butt workout? Hell YES! Is it hard? Oh god YES! Will it benefit me? Only time will tell, it's hard and they are 1 hour workouts so there has to be a real dedication to it in order to get it to work, if your mind and heart aren't into it there will be no benefit as you will not be working as hard as you need to see the results you want.
I think this will really help me tone up and it has a lot of promise for me, even though I am fluffy I used to be a dancer and my muscles take longer to get a workout then someone who has never done a sport or a consistant work out. I needed something that got my body to a level that I was burning the max amout of calories and I think this might be it, again only time will tell.
Remember please to ALWAYS check with your Dr. before changing your workout routine or diet, as I have mentioned before this is so important to your overall health and performance! Your Dr. is your best guide to a better you! Don't try to go from 0 - 100 in a week you will fail and feel miserable and possibly hurt yourself in the process.
Slow and steady wins the race! Remember we didn't get heavy in a day or a week so why do we think we should lose it that fast!?!?!?!?! You can't don't set yourself up to fail, set yourself up to be a success! I know you can!! I know I can!! And together we can do it!!
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