
I have been neglectful! I haven't updated and I apologize! It was a really busy weekend for me and my kids went back to school today so I haven't had a minute to sit down and gather my thoughts! But I have a moment right now so I better get this out there while I can.

How are you all doing? Are you seeing the results of your hard work yet? You may, or you may not and if you are not seeing the results yet that is ok. Some people's metabolism is just slower to get in gear, remember that it hasn't been properly used for sometime and it's a slow learner so don't get discouraged because even of you don't see it I bet you feel it and that's just as important.

Have any of you plateaued yet? I went through a couple of bad weeks where I had stayed the same it seemed and it really got me down. I didn't know what to do.

But now I am back on track seems I learn something new everyday! Seems like as your body gets used to your routine your metabolism slows because your body is used to doing your exercises and such, so to avoid that you need to start working out longer, I am up to an hour now and it is hard but I am back on the losing side again and so it's worth the extra push!

You would think that the above would be common sense right? But it wasn't for me I thought well my body hasn't been this active before so I guess I'm ok but that's just not true, you must consistently challenge your body with new things so that it doesn't get bored, so to speak. And i guess mine was bored even though it didn't feel that way I could tell that my exercised were getting easier so there you have it.

I am really enjoying this journey folks, it is hard but what is life isn't right? If we always did what was easy we really wouldn't do anything. So even though this is hard, it is also fun and energizing! I love putting on a pair of jeans that are too big! What a rush to be able to fit in clothes I haven't been able to wear for years! I also had some brand new things that never fit (I don't usually try stuff on) that now fit and in some cases are too big so it's like I get to go shopping in my own closet!

I am not at my goal yet but I am on the right track once again.

Anyone interested in a challenge? If you are comment ( anonymous if you don't have a google account ) and if there is enough interest I'll come up with a really great prize that will be awarded to the winner, I am thinking a 6 week challenge this time open to anyone what do you think??



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