Bad, good weekend

This weekend was great from a life stand point and terrible from a diet stand point. My baby turned 6 this this weekend and I threw my diet out the window. Not a good thing but I had so much fun that I can't say a single bad word about it.

I was surrounded by family and friends and we had fun and didn't hold back from being ourselves and it was good.

I ate cake and chips and dip and anything else you can think of and it was good.

I'll be honest though I was not feeling well at all today all of that bad food really made me feel like crap. I think that once you are eating well your body doesn't like to eat bad even if your taste buds disagree!!

In life things come up birthdays, holidays and such and you need to enjoy them, don't let your diet cause you to miss out on life because that totally defeats the purpose. I mean we are losing weight and getting healthy to enjoy our life more right?!?!?! So still enjoy your life even if that means eating something not so good for you.

Food is a lot of different things, it's nutrition, fun, stress, anger, happiness comfort and a million other things, it is different things to us at different times, what we have to do is be able to enjoy food without it becoming something that we are dependent on when our emotions are out of wack.

So tomorrow I will be back to eating on track and exercising everyday but for the next few remaining hours I think I will hug and kiss my babies, snuggle with my husband and worry about the calories tomorrow.




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