Mirror Image

I went to the gym tonight and they have those evil floor to ceiling mirrors that we all love so much, well I was walking on the treadmill doing my thing and I look to my left and BAM! There it was, my reflection and it shocked the crap out of me because in that mirror was my old fatter self.


Well the explination for my size in the mirror was that I was actually right in the middle of two mirrors coming together so I got that lovely illusion I moved a little forward and whew, there was my now normal stuff.

Now that was a huge eye opener because I recognized that fat girl in the mirror, I had almost forgotten what she looked like but there she was in all her glory and I realized one thing at that moment, if I waiver in my resolve to lose weight and be healthy then I will be her again, maybe bigger and that scares the crap right out of me.

I can not be her again, that jolly, fat girl in the mirror I have to stay on track, for myself, for my health for my husband and my kids I need to steele my resolve and not waiver in my misson. Because it would only take one wrong move for me to be right back to where I was last year at 238 lbs. It would be easier for me to back peddle now and put the weight back on even faster than I did it the first time and I am sure I would add more too it.

I took a picture of my fat self in the mirror at the gym today because I can never forget, I must always look forward, even if I fall back my gaze must remain forward.

And I will because I have come to far, worked too hard and I am way to proud of myself to fail now, I have 50 lbs to go and I will get there! I will prevail and so will you my friends!

We will fight the fat together hand in hand, till we beat it!

Till tomorrow



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