Today is . . .

Awesome! I love today almost as much as I loved yesterday! Why am I so happy you ask? Because I woke up this morning, I had food to eat and a Job to go to. I am happy because my kids are happy and healthy and I am able to provide for them.

I am grateful for my life, I have a wonderful husband who supports me even though I am a little crazy, an emotional train wreck sometimes he is patient kind loving and understanding.

I have wonderful kids who get great grades in school and who (for the most part) listen and behave, they are loving and kind and gentle.

I have a great family, who have supported me through the toughest times in my life and never waiver in their love for me. I hope they know how much I love them. I can not even put into words what my family means to me (ALL OF YOU) there are no words to express the kind of feelings that I have. I don't think if I lived to be 10,000 that I could ever even begin to repay them.

Tomorrow is my baby's 6th birthday, I can't believe it where has this last 6 years gone? I don't know but life keeps going faster and faster and soon I'll be wondering where the last 30 years went!

I am trying to take it all in, live life in the moment, it's hard but I am trying to be in the present so that I don't miss anything any more! I want to savor every moment I have with my babies while they are still young, too soon they will be living their own life's separate from me, making their own decisions.

Don't waste another minute! Life is forever too short.

Happy Birthday Connor, Mommy loves you with everything she has and everything she is.



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