I find inspiration in the weirdest places

I really do find inspiration in the strangest places and I am not just talking about inspiration for loosing weight, I mean inspiration for everything.

Take for example today, I was on my bike ride and listening to my Ipod and I like musicals ( Don't laugh!) and I was listening to my favorite Les Miserables and as I am listening to 1 song, a song I have listened to at least 100 times, something hit me.

In this on song a confrontation between 2 of the main characters Val Jean and Javert ensues. Val Jean being a prisoner on parole that has been running from being re arrested by Javert the head of police basically.

In this song Val Jean is running from a battle with a wounded man trying to get him to the hospital when he is confronted by Javert who wants to arrest him and not let him get away.

Basically what this boils down to is that 1 man committed a small crime many years ago, went to jail and paid his debt what he is in trouble for now is for skipping his parole.

Javert is a good man who takes his job way to seriously and everything is black and white to him, there is no gray at all.

Val Jean is also a good man, his crime was breaking into a house to steal a loaf of bread for his sisters starving child.

Javert feels a crime is a crime and all are the same in his eyes so Val Jean must pay, period.

Val Jean found God after he was released from prison and vowed to live a good life, he skipped parole because with that mark on him he couldn't keep a job and was treated like the scum of society.

So what does this have to do with anything? Well I'm glad you asked because I am going to tell you!

In life we all have freedom of choice, we chose what we wear, what we do for a living, what we eat everything is a choice. Sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we don't.

But the choices that we make are ours alone to make, the consequences ours alone to endure.

There are a lot of people in this world that we live in that are very much like Javert, everything is black and white, they are right and you are wrong and there is nothing you can do or say that will change their mind.

So stop trying.

I have wasted so much of my life trying to do what other people wanted me to do, act like they wanted me to act and say what they wanted me to say. I let people make decisions for me for the sake of them liking me. I let them control my destiny, lead me somewhere I didn't want to go.

I have finally said no to all of the Javerts in my life! I have risen up to say NO!!! This is MY life, these are MY children this is MY husband and we are going to do things our way, you can like it or not but this is how it is going to be.

It is then their CHOICE whether to stay or to go. You must be strong enough to let them go if they choose, you do not control their destiny either.

I have also said NO to letting food control my life, I know that there were and still are days where food gets the best of me, in fact I had Dairy Queen Saturday! FOR SHAME! Some days all I want to do is eat cake and ice cream, I don't know why but food is harder to stand up to then all of the Javerts in my life put together!

I am still learning to say no to fat unhealthy eating and yes to healthy eating, I don't know if this is a lesson that you ever fully learn, I think that it is a on going education with an ever changing curriculum I will teach what I can, and I will learn what I can so that I can teach even more.

Don't let anyone or anything control your life, it is your life live it to the fullest!




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