I hate summer in Arizona!

It is way too hot here in the summer!  LOL!  You don't feel like doing anything!!  Not even walking much less riding a bike or running or anything!!  I go swimming but all I want to do is lounge around, not actually swim and it is so frustrating for me.

I am off of the hippo, have been for awhile, I think a lot of it has to do with  my life as of late, I have been super stressed about money and all of the things that everyone else is stressed out about so I am digging deep and trying to get back to a routine, it's hard, I know this but sometimes it seems too hard I am not up really except for the 3lbs that I lose and gain again but it sucks!  The heat plays a big role in this because it is miserable outside, but that is not an excuse I'm not trying to make them just letting you know where my mind set is.

So back to motivation, I am trying to get my motivation back because honestly I have been feeling like crap lately because I am not exercising like I used to or eating completely right so my body is not happy, it is craving carbs again because I have been feeding it carbs again so I basically have to start from the beginning and this is where I usually give up, throw in the towel say 57lbs is good enough!

But it's not good enough, I am still obese, I have made great strides but I have not finished the race!  I still have a long run ahead of me and I do intend to finish it no matter how long it takes!  It is not an option, it has never been an option to not finish, to sit on the sidelines while other pass me by because I am too winded to get my fat butt up and run!  So no surrender no retreat!!!  LOL!!  It's a battle cry because this is a battle!

So all of my weight warriors put on your battle armor with me and let kick some cellulite butt!!!  What do you say are you with me!?!?!?!?



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