Off the beaten path

Today was another beautiful day! I am going to take a little side track from the purpose of this blog on this post. I am feeling very emotional about some things that are going on in my life and the lives of those close to me.

I want to reach out and hug each and everyone of you! I want to hold you and tell you that it will all be ok, but I know that when times are tough it is so hard to see the light and the lesson of our trials and tribulations. But there is light.

I have been through some dark days in my 33 years of existence, I lived a "rough" life and there were years for me without light. I had no hope of ever being better, I had no hope period.

I was a completely different person, I hated people I never hugged anyone it was a very uncomfortable moment for me when someone would hug me in fact it made me angry.

Inside though I was someone different, I was sad and broken and I wanted someone to help me, I didn't want to be the person I was I wanted to change to have a chance at a happy life but I did not see a way out and honestly I didn't think anyone cared enough about me to even give a crap anyway.

But someone did care, in fact a lot of someones cared and with them I learned how to function as a real person, not a bad ass, not the tough girl but I learned who the real Valinda was and I like her much better. I would be no where without these people. I would have probably ended up in jail. That's the honest truth.

I want to let the people in my life know that I am grateful for them everyday, that I love and care about them. They are my heart. I know you are going through a tough patch but that is all it is I will be your light if you allow me to be let me hold you and guide you as you have done for me so many times.

I love you.



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