A healthy state of mind

So as you are all aware I have struggled with my fat this week, moreso I think than at any other time so far in this journey. All I can say is Fat is tough!

It is Soooooo badass! It is a dirty fighter!! I feel like I've gone 100 rounds with Mike Tyson (ok maybe not) but man I feel like the bad end of a mexican dinner gone wrong (if you catch my drift lmao OMG I'm so funny) but I digress;

I ate really bad this week, I went out more than I should have, ate too many carbs, not enought fiber and so on an so forth. I did however stay on track with my exercise and that really is an important elemant, I didn't lose anything this week but i didn't gain so that's ok.

I find myself sometimes thinking about food a lot when I am super board, I am one of those people that always has to have something on my plate so when I don't eating is the first thing I think about. I used to turn to snacks for entertainment, sometimes I didn't even know I was eating that's how much of a habit it became. Habits are bad for the most part I think they make you do things without making a concious decision to do them. I have to think about everything that goes into my body so to do something by habit is not good.

Breaking habits is tough, I have never been good at it. I am a habitual person, I like to do things time and time again lol. Habits are a double edged sword because having a healthy habit in exercising is good but having a habit of eating chips everytime you sit down to watch a movie is not a good habit.

I think that we can over come but we have to be able to tell the good habits from the bad ones I hope that my blog helps with that a little. I am enjoying sharing my journey with you and I hope you are enjoying the ride!

Till later!



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