Self Esteem

I found myself talking today to someone about self esteem. It got me to thinking. I believe most women have issues with this, not a shocking revelation really but what was eye opening to me was that I have self esteem issues.

I never thought that I did. I have always accepted who I am at this moment I am pretty happy, outgoing I like to have a good time and laugh and hangout with good friends.

But in this conversation I had today I said something that I didn’t even realize I felt this way until I said it and since this blog is about honesty I thought I would share it with you.

While I was talking today to this person we were talking about weight and issues and toning your body and being healthy as opposed to being skinny and I said this in response to a statement she made “I know how you feel. My husband is a good looking guy and I don’t like for his friends and co-workers to see me because I am embarrassed of what they will think of me.” “Most of his friends have cute wife’s and I don’t put myself in that category”

WHAT! What the heck just came out of my mouth! But as I reflected on this I realized that I spoke the truth. I am at times embarrassed of my weight and I don’t like to be seen.

Wow, I didn’t like that thought one bit but it’s true. I realize I still have a lot of changing to do. I also realize that I will always have a lot of changing to do. We are living breathing eating (lol) vessles and things will always change for us. Our weight, or financial situations, our family everything in life is a variable and therefore subject to change.

Isn’t that GREAT! That means that we are never stuck doing or being any one thing! We can be so many things! We make the choices that direct the changes in our life’s. We call the shots, make the rules, rule our destiny’s! WE! US!! YOU!! ME!!!! So we don’t have to be stuck doing the same old things that we have always done! We can change and we are changing! I am, you are all of us, so lets make it a change for the better shall we?

Until later!



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