Ad and Scam overload!

Ok so this is a rant, I am so sick of seeing advertisements for getting high school skinny, lose weight fast, magic cookie diet Acai berry I can go on and on and on. I see these everyday and I know you do too, you can miss it especially if you are a person like me who so desperately wants to lose weight.

I don't know about you but I know that I sure feel like crap after I see all the fantastic "results". I have tried it all! I have followed these diets to the "T" and I did have some success but none of the fad dieting is sustainable, you can NOT live that way! You just can't I don't care what celebrity supports what diet FAD DIETS DON'T WORK! Life style changes are what work, period. That's all, the end.

You can not be perfect all the time, human beings can not be perfect so to be on a regimented diet where one little mistake can throw the whole diet out of wack! Not only will it be a set back but it will be a huge motivational killer!!!! The feeling of defeat will kill your motivation faster than anything "well screw it I messed it up might as well eat!" I have said this myself on many occasions which is why I find myself in my current situation.

Remember everything we do everyday changes our bodies. Don't expect to lose weight like you did when you were 16 if your 30 and have children, you won't so don't let yourself get upset about it. It's ok we will just have to find another way that works for us but it will not come in a pill, or a magic elixir not a pair of sneakers and not with a cookie, just not going to happen at least not for the long haul.

The only thing you can do that will work is to eat healthy, cut your calories watch your portions and get up and move. You will lose weight, build muscle and shape up. Not only that but you will feel so good, no jitters no withdrawals nothing just health, feeling good inside and out!

I know it;s hard, but I'm doing it and so can you!!!!!

Till later!



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