It's so hard!

Working out is so hard sometimes, I am so busy! My kids need dinner and showers and homework needs to be done.

I also have so much to do when I get home. I make wedding invitations and have been busy with that and I can only do it from home. I leave my house at 6am and if I am lucky I get home by 7pm. Bed time is 9pm. How in the world can I possibly find a minute to workout?!!??!?!

I can’t do it!!

Then I smack myself upside the head and snap myself back to realilty. I don’t have time, I just don’t there aren’t enough hours in the day.

But I have to workout. Period. The end. This is not an option. I consider working out like breathing if I don’t do it I die. Simple, I think we can all understand that right?!

It has to be that way, at least for me because as you can see above I am a master winer and I can make the best excuses! I mean I am really good at convincing myself not to do something!

That’s what got me into this mess to begin with. I always made an excuse why I would do better tomorrow, why I couldn’t do it right now but I would for sure do it later.

When is later? I asked myself that because I put stuff off till later years ago and I still haven’t done them! Well I have made it a fact for me that NOW is Later.

I am living life now, because it’s too short not to. I remember being 15 yesterday and now I am 33 (WTF when did THAT happen?) eh hum.

I was not living a full life before April of last year, I let a lot of people have control of myself, my life and my emotions.

I am the kind of person that takes pleasure in doing for other people even if it hurts me, emotionally, financially you name it. Then when I am alone I eat.

When I was younger I never let anyone mess with me. No one hurt my feelings because I didn’t get close enough to them. I was angry all the time and as my husband can attest to I can still get a little crazy angry and when I am stay out of my way because I will probably roll over you like a steam roller and I hit below the belt. I know how to affect people emotionally call it a gift (only it isn’t)

I think somewhere in there my anger and sadness and lonliness turned into hunger, I don’t know when that happened exactly but it did.

Growing up we never ate right. My mom cooked home made meals that were delicious but I don’t know if they were balanced exactly. We ate a lot of pasta and potatoes and such, but I was active so I didn’t really gain anything at that point.

I still love Carbohydrates, they are my weakness but I have learned how to eat them and how to incorporate them in my diet.

I guess where I am going with this post is that no matter what your background is this is an attainable goal. We have to put the past behind us and live in the now. Because the now is what matters the before is over and done with but what we do now affects later and later I want to be a healthier version on me. I can accomplish this and I promise you can too.

Till later! Yours Forever,



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