Dreamfields Pasta

So I had this post all written in my head, I was going to say wonderful things about this pasta in fact I told my sister in law Jen about it just yesterday.

Then I went online to see if I could find some statictics on it an was surprised to find a lot of discussion boards speaking about this product and it's claims.

May I introduce you to Dreamfields pasta:

I have been using this pasta for a couple of months because per the claims on the box, even though this product has the same amount of carbs as regular pasta only 5 grams of it is digestable.  What this means is that if you are carb counting 1 serving of this pasta is only 1/3 of a carb choice unlike regular pasta whinch is the same serving size but counts as 3 carb choices.  It is really good pasta!

Now when I read the claims against this product it was mostly from diabetics who must closely monitor their carbohydrate intake.  If this products claims are true then a diabetic could have pasta again, usually something reserved for a treat or a cheat.

As I am essentially living on a "diabetic" diet I thought that raving on and on about this product would be irresponsible.  If you google Dreanfields pasta you will find a lot of debate on the validity of the products claims.  Some diabetics rave about it while others are skeptical or have had a bad experiance. 

Now the human body is not something that anyone fully understands and our body's react differently so I could see how some love it and some don't.

Now that I have laid that out there I want to give my opinion on this pasta.

1. It has a great taste
2. I have had no weight gain since switching to this product, even though I am eating "3" portions of this product.
3. I can feel the sugar changes in my body and this pasta does not trigger that for me at all even though regular pasta will cause me to crash or be really hungry shortly after I eat finish dinner.

I like this product and will continue to use it, but it is my intention here to give you information good and bad and I want you all to make informed choices for yourselfs and your lifestyles.

Here are some pictures of the box:

I'm sorry some of these are blurry but if you click them they will enlarge and you should be able to read them.  There are the claims on the box, so far no one has challanged the claims in court or to the FDA but I will be keeping a close eye on this subject and will let you know when new information is available good or bad.

Next, I went to Fresh and easy today and picked up pasta sauce to go with my pasta.  Fresh and Easy's brand of sauce is all natural and has the lowest carb count per serving of any sauce I have seen out there.  Some of the big chain brands have 15g or more per serving.

I also buy this pancake mix, it is whole wheat remember no more bleached flours, white is bad!

This is the cereal I eat, I'll be honest it did take some getting used to it is a little bland but now I crave it! And it has tons of fiber!  Fiber is good!

This is the coffee I buy there and I love it!

I eat lots of these!  1 serving of raw nuts a day can reduce health risks by 10%!

And lastly this was my total.  I think I did very good for what I got.  Fresh and Easy is affordable.

I hope this post was helpful, I want to make a place where you can come and get all the information you need to be healthy in one place.  I know how hard it is to stay on track especially if you have to keep reasearching this and that.

Have a good nite every, stay strong!  Stay healthy!



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