
I am going to start this workout routine tomorrow.  I am not sure if I am ready for it to be honest, this is an intense workout that requires 7 days a week.  The work outs are about an hour long and they are intense.  I am excited about starting this I have been feeling like I need more in my workouts because even though I am losing weight I am not really toning anything up so if you are fluffy like me you know that saggy skin can be a big problem.  Add to that the fact that I have had two c-sections and well you can let your imagination fill in the rest :0).

I know that somewhere down the road  I will need to have surgery to tuck and lift everything and put it back where it belongs but I want to have all the weight off before I even think about that. 

Working out has always been the catch 22 for me, I like to work out but like everyone I start out great but then as time progresses I lose my motivation.  That was one of the reasons that I started this blog, so that I would be held accountible to myself.  I need all of the help I can get!  I know enough about myself to know that I can do this but also know that I can't do it alone!  No one can I don't think, now that is just my opinion but I always do better when I have someone to talk to about my progress.  o get high fived and woo hooed when I lose a pound, that is important to me.

Well I am off to make dinner I'll post more in a bit ;)



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