Shape Ups part 2

Ok I wore my Shape Ups alllllll day today and they were awesome, I definatly felt it and my legs are super tired tonight.  I am really tired in general actually.  They are comfortable and were not hard to wear at all so i give these shoes an A+!

In other news I was out today looking for a new washing machine.  I did find one I liked and they are delevering it tomorrow!  I will get me work out tomorrow just doing the 4000 lbs of laundry I have to do.

I had a conversation with my bff today and she is feeling discouraged because her weight is not coming off as fast as she thought it would and she is kind of in a rut.  She is doing really well and her exercising routine is great but she is still not seeing the results she wants.  I told her to not let this get to her so much!  There are so many positives to what she has accomplished!  She has lost 10lbs!  She is MOVING! She is eating better!  All of these things are just as important as getting the weight off as long as you stay on track the weight will come off it just comes off faster in some people.

If you really feel like you have plateau'd take a look as your lifestyle.  Is there something that you could cut out?  Is there something you could be doing better?  There will always be room for improvement so if you feel stuck change things around.

You are going to fit as you exercise that you are going to need to add to your routine.  You are going to have to exercise longer and hard to burn those calories because your becoming more fit and you body will require more work!  This is a great thing!  This means you are doing it right!  So when you can add 5 or 10 min to your workout or add heavier weights, a thicker band or more situps!

You will find that your body will start to crave the workout and your energy lever will sky rocket!

I can see a difference in my bff and I am very proud of her!!!  She is on the right track and we all get discouraged but that's why we need to be here for eachother!  To help pick up your friends when they are down.  I get down too and I need you all to help pick me up too!

Love to you all!  Talk to you soon!



Anonymous said...
February 16, 2010 at 5:51 PM

Thank you for being there to pick me up when I get down. You are doing so well and I am seeing a difference in you as well. I keep trying to compair myself to others, you included, and I cant do that. I have to remember I have only been at it for a month and a half now and that my body is different from anyone elses. We will do this together and we will be healthy and happy together for it. You have done such a great thing, you have given your boys their mom back and can enjoy them. That is the best thing ever. Love you
Your BFF

Anonymous said...
February 16, 2010 at 8:53 PM

You can not compair yourself, you are you and I am me and they way our bodies work is different. Thank you for the complements you know my boys are the most important thing to me and my whole motivation revolves around them.

I am just trying to keep people up and motivated but we all get down, it's just the nature of this beast. The key is in the support of others, friends, family and even strangers are able to give us opinions from outside out little bubbles that sometimes we can't see past. It is so good to have some one there who will not judge you but will help keep you on the right path. I love you too BFF don't you forget it ;)

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