Hello blog readers!

I know it has been way too long since I did an update! I am sorry!

I lost my motivation.

There I said it, when I first started this blog I promised to be raw and honest, and I have been. I just haven’t been able to write because I didn’t want to lie and say everything was good a rah rah and all of that stuff, but I also didn’t want to tell you that I haven’t exercised consistently in 2 weeks, have been eating poorly and have gained 4lbs back.

I didn’t want to tell you that so I stayed quite.

Not anymore! I am once again back on the hippo, it is difficult, I ate cake and ice cream and candy and burgers and everything that I shouldn’t have. Now my body wants it and I have to re train it not to want it anymore. I am embarrassed, ashamed of myself and sad but it’s ok because I am back on the hippo! I plateau’d and that was the catalyst for me to break stride and go back to my old ways. I wasn’t moving up or down but the biggest problem was that I knew what I needed to do, exercise more lower my calories to get out of that rut and I did the exact opposite!

I am not perfect, that’s why I do this blog to show you that a chubby girl can turn her health and weight around, but it is HARD and it has it’s ups and downs. I am not going to be able to be 100% all the time, I need support just like everyone else but I know I have it in me to be successful! And so do you!

Have you been having a rough go of it? Then let this be the time that you start to feel better about yourself, let’s work through this together, we can do it! We can be successful! I promise that no matter what is happening good or bad with my weight I will continue to write I believe that this also contributed to my lackadaisical attitude I just didn’t write about it didn’t verbalize what I was feeling or doing. This blog is very therapeutic for me, I feel like I have someone to answer to at the end of the day. So that’s why the absence I will do better, thank you for sticking with me!



Anonymous said...
May 26, 2010 at 8:51 PM

Well I will be there for you in your ups and your downs. I am glad you are back on the "hippo" whatever that means, but sincerely glad that you have got your motivation back. Keep up the good work.


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