One day . . .

One day I will be gone from this earth, what I have done while I was here will be my legacy.  I want to be remembered for being a good wife and mother, I want to be known for my kindness, love and compassion.  I want all those in my life that I love to know that I love them fiercely, with my whole being.

I don't think I am known for these things yet, I am changing this now, I will be the person I want to be regardless of what others think or say, one day they too will meet their maker and will they be happy with the choices they made? 

I will not live with regrets any longer, my God is strong and powerful and kind and forgiving, I am opening up my heart to him now, a heart that has been closed to his word for far too long.  I pray that he will enter and dwell in my heart forever. . . .



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