
So I was parusing the web looking for kindred spirits in the blog world that are trying to loose weight and get healthy, I googled "weight loss blogs" and got about 40 million results back, but anywho so I start clicking away looking for a good blog, new ideas just to connect you know what blogs are for right?

First blog I click on cute girl losing weight, funny, smart yada yada, I liked it!  Click blog #2 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick, ok I get that click blog #3 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick . . .hmmmmmm ok click blog #4 advertisement for some lose weight fast gimick!  WTF so I strat clicking like a crazy person, click click click crap crap crap!!  I found only 2 blog that were actual people sharing their stories the rest was scams!  This is why we are so messed up when it comes to being healthy!  We don't know what the heck to believe!

It's confusing, do this cleanse, eat this magic cookie, take 40 of these pills with every meal, it goes on and on and on.  I was so pissed by the time I was done I wanted to eat a Snickers!  Really folks there is no one thing that is going to make you thinner, the only person that has control of that is you!  Decide what is important to you and then research eatubg healthy NOT dieting.  You must change your lifestyle, your attitude your life, period.  Thats the only thing that will really work and the best part??  It's FREE!  You don't have to buy special food everyday or consistantly by pills or shakes, you can just eat regular food just make better choices.

So that's my rant for today!  See you all tomorrow!  3 day weekend!!!!



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