Bad? Maybe. . .

Hello fellow dietieers!  I am sorry to have been MIA for the weekend but it was my birthday!  I'll be honest with you all, I didn't stick to my diet this weekend, nope not at all.  I had pasta that my mom made, I drank some really sugary drinks and I even had CAKE (GASP!) but was I bad . . .

Not at all!  Do I feel guilty? Nope, do I feel like I failed? Nope, I feel just fine about it.


Yep I feel just as good about myself as I did yesterday and the day before and the day before well you get the picture ;)

That is part of the key to being sucessful.  Don't feel bad, don't deprive yourself, don't stop having fun or going out or anything else you enjoy doing.  Make better choices but if you want a burger or a piece of cake do it!  BUT do it in moderation, 1 normal piece of cake not a 3rd or the cake, 1 burger not 2 and maybe forgo the cheese, add onions, pickles and all the fixens maybe make it a turkey burger but don't feel guilty about it.


You did not fail because you ate something that you wanted to eat, you just ate something you wanted to eat.  You didn't do anything wrong.

Guilt is an emotion that notoriously makes you eat!  If you feel guilty about eating something you re just going to eat!

It's a never ending cycle!  You can't let your emotions control your eating!  They are feelings not hunger.

If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got!



LaMaestra33 said...
January 24, 2010 at 6:01 AM

Not feeling guilty gives a sense of balance I find. I am working on that one myself. If I want to eat it, I am going to and I don't want anyone to say anything to me about it. I am starting my change with working out and altering my diet not completely changing it into something that I will get frustrated with and quit. Words of wisdom my friend!

Anonymous said...
January 26, 2010 at 8:30 AM

You can eat anything you want it's moderation and portion size that is key. Planning what you are going to eat instead of just winging it. Your diet is so limited anyway sister I don't know how you do it :)

Exercise is a great start and you may find you don't even need to diet just add the exercise!

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