
Man I have to say that the hardest part of getting on this journey was my motivation.  It is something that I struggle with daily still.  I love to motivate people, I love to see someone go after everything they want in life.  I love to give a great pep talk!  I get motivated motivating others!  I really do! 

But. . . .

I have the hardest time keeping myself motivated.  I know what I should do and all that but I have a hard time sustaining the excitement.  I'm great for a little bit and then slowly I go back to my old ways.  I didn't believe that there was anything that could really make me stay on my intended path.  That is until I got slapped in the face with reality.

That reality came in the form of a Dr. in my familys primary care office.  I am going to share this story with you.  It is personal and it was scary for me but I believe if I can help one person from going down my path then it's all worth it ( I know that sounds corney but I really believe it).  This might be a little long but I think it's important that I give you the whole story.

I came home sick from work on a Monday feeling a lot of pressure in my head and just generally blah so i decided to go to one of those Take Care clinics in the pharmacy by my house.  I went in told her my symptoms and like the norm she took my temp, weight and blood pressure.  Then she takes my blood pressure again and askes me if I have high blood pressure.  I tell her no and she says that it's pretty high 150/100 and that she didn't need to send me to the ER but that I should have it checked out.

Since I am OCD I had it checked out right away.  My Dr. said my BP was ok but she wanted some blood work done as well to make sure.  I went and had that done and then thought nothing about it.

A couple of days later I get a call that my blood test was abnormal and that the Dr. would like to see me, this freaks me out so I so and see her right away.  What she tells me in this visit changes me forever, no exaggeration, I am changed.

She tells me my blood sugar is high, pre diabetic high or diabetic high which ever I prefer.  Excuse me?!?!?! 

Basically she said she could diagnose me diabetic right then get me started on the medication and basically have type 2 diabetes.  She was fully prepared to do this.

"Do I have other options?" I ask, I am crying and desperate.  She looks a me and says yes, you are borderline you can reverse this whole process but most people would just rather be on the medication.

NO NO NO I say, if there is an option I want it!  What do I have to do??  Lose weight is her reply.  Change the way you eat.  She said if I could lose 10% of my body weight I could reduce my risk by 70% and if I got down to a healthy weight I could not have to worry about it again.

That was it the light went on.  I have a diabetic family, grandma on my mothers side and an uncle.  My dad was diagosed with it as well as his father and brother.  It is all around me and I have seen the effects of diabetes.  I watched my grandmother pass away as this disease distroyed her body.

I'm not going out like that, I will be around to enjoy my grandkids, to see my kids grow up and get married.  So that was it I was set, there was no more to be done this weight was coming off.

I went and saw a nutritionist and she had taught me sooooooo much!  I wouldn't be where I am with out her.  I have alreay lost 47 lbs and now I am down 6 more I still have a long way to go to hit my goal of 125 lbs but  am going to do it this time, food is not worth my life and I wont die for my addiction.

I now eat to live, not for pleasure.  I put good things in my body and I am proud of where I am headed!  If I can do this anyone can this is not to say it's easy but I am choosing life over food.  I think it's a pretty good trade.



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