I really didn't want to . . .

Exercise today.  I really didn't in fact I had myself convinced that it was ok to skip it tonight.  So I sat here on the computer and started playing on facebook and emails and messaging and all of the things that we do everyday.  While in the midst of playing bejeweled I just about smaked myself with a thought!  WTF am I DOING?!?!?!?!

I am playing facebook instead of making myself better?  This computer is more important than my health?  Then my children?  Then my friends and family?  I don't friggin think so!  NO WAY!!

So I got my lazy butt up popped in my yoga ball DVD and did my workout.  And guess what I still didn't want to!  I didn't want to through the whole thing!  But now that I am done I feel good!  I feel refreshed and I am thinking why would I not want to work out.

I'll tell you why, because in this generation things are too easy.  We really don't have to do anything physical anymore to get what we want.  Remember when there were TVs and no remote control?  You actually had to get up and go change the channel by hand!  Heaven forbid!  No if we don't have the remote we on't even know how to work the TV!!

Remember when mom made all her meals homemade?  Everything was fresh and cooked right at home?  Not anymore!  We can go through any drive through and get a fat and calorie loaded meal without having to even exert the energy to get out of the car!  Or even better yet the pizza place will deliver it right to your door!  Shoot you don't even have to get dressed for that one!

This is why America is fat, this is why I am fat.  Laziness.  Plain and simple.  I'm not going to sugar coat it for me and I'm not going to sugar coat it for you.  We are lazy, we work all day, eat like crap come home and don't get enough sleep so we start the same craptastic cycle again the next day.

So get some sleep tonight, take something out of the freezer so you can make a homemade meal for dinner tomorrow night and don't stress too much at work, chances are your boss doesn't stress as mush as you do!

I am going to slowly make these changes in my life, I am not perfect and am learning to practice what I preach but I am determined to stop being lazy.  But for now I am off to bed and you should be too!!!



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