Keeping it up!

This is a very challanging part about eating healthy, keeping it up.  Anyone can do it for a week maybe two but a lifetime, wow that's a tall order.  I whole heartly agree!  It is a tall order but once you get past the first few weeks you learn how to not even think about it all that much.  Just like you eat now, you'll go grab some chips and dip and watch a movie and not even think about it.  That will happen with healthy food too, pretty soon you will just grab veggie chips instead of potato chips and fat free dip instead of the fat kind and you won't even notice you've done it!!

You will like to eat healthy, it won't always be a chore.  I will be here to motivate you and to keep myself motivated WE CAN DO IT!!!  we can and by we I mean anyone!!!  Even if I don't know you I am here to help.  Comment send me an email I want to help woman feel better, to live longer happier lives!

As a community we can accomplish anything!

More informative post to follow :) tata for now!



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