
Well I'm down another 2 pounds which brings my total to 7 pounds lost on this new journey.  Such a small number with a big meaning.  1 sack of potatoes that you buy at the grocery store weights 5lbs, picture that off of my body . . . in that regard 7lbs is a huge number.

I did good today, I walked with a friend at lunch today, drank 2 bottles of water ( i'm working on it) made good food choices and only had one cup of coffee today, which was the hardest part of my day because I love my coffee!  I am italian after all, coffee and pasta sigh . . . . . . . .

Any way I was proud of myself and I am happy to be on he right track again.  I need to build up my stamina again to get back to the exercise I was doing before but I am working on it.

I am no longer snacking at night while I play my Facebook games, when I am snacking it's veggies.

My Dr. will be be happy I am back on track too.  Diabetes runs rampant in my family and the olny way to avoid getting it is to lose weight.  Did you know that if you lose 10% of you total weight no matter how heavy you are that you reduce your risk of developing diabetes by 30%? WOW!!

Also if you add a serving of nuts (except peanuts) to your diet every day it reduces your chances and additional 10%.

Type 2 Diabetes is a man made disease.  We invented it by being lazy, eating crappy processed foods and way too much sugar and sodium.  But you can reverse the effects if you take charge of you diet and weight now!!!!

My dad said something the other day to me and it made me laugh and also made sense to me he said and I quote " When man invented the wheel he invented laziness" yes your mind was just blown . . . .

Until tomorrow



I might have had a drink or two in the picture . . .


Linda F said...
January 10, 2012 at 8:32 PM

Good for you Valinda! Hope many more of these good days follow :)
I need to sit down and look at my crazy calendar and start making gym appointments with myself...maybe that will help get my butt back on the exercise bandwagon! Have a great night!

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