Fun and family!

Hello blog friends!

I had a pretty rough weekend (emotionally) and I ate some pizza, but I still exercised and we went to my brother and sister in laws house on Saturday and hung out at the park with the kids, I didn't exercise as much as everyone else (I was busy playing with Aiden!) but I did get some and it was nice being out in the sun and cool weather.  Thanks Jen for suggesting it!

I have been eating better, money has been really tight but I am hoping that maybe I can get enough money together to buy myself a new treadmill for my birthday.  My treadmill really got me on track last time but due to circumstances out of my control it stopped working.  I think I paid $150 for it at Wal-Mart (no laughing) but I will say that little thing was perfect.  I could move it by myself and I just loved it.

I have an elliptical but I think I need to start on the treadmill and work up to it because it discourages me very fast when I am on it.  So fingers crossed I can figure out the finances for that one!

I cut up some cucumbers tonight, I have been on a chip kick and I am trying to rid myself of it, I realized that I really only wanted the dip!  The chip was just the vessel to my dip obsession so I am using cucumbers instead!  Imagine that!  I get the dip and none of the chip and the vitamins that are in the cucumbers, I do not know why I didn't think of it sooner! (probably because I was stuck in fat land but I digress)

SO I will have some recipes for you later tonight as soon as I wash the dye outta my hair!



Yep that's me I haven't hit a softball in years!


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