My 100th 1st step . . . .

Wow the last time I posted on this blog was 1 year ago.  Guess what?  I lost . . . I gained the weight back.  I am ashamed.  I hate this addiction I have to food.

I have been so discouraged, I am so disgusted with myself.  How could I let this happen?  Where is my resolve?  What happened to my can do attitude?

I am pretty sure I ate it . . . along with everything else . . . .

This time it is harder for me to get back to eating healthy and exercising.  Harder then it has ever been.  Each time I try and each time I fail it gets so much harder.

Let me run down a list of things as they are now.

I have almost constant stomach pain, bloating and just general yuck
I have insomnia again
I am sure my blood pressure is higher than it should be
I have no energy
I am once again at the starting line and not at the finish

The journey for me will be long and hard but there are a few things that I still believe:

1. There is no magic pill that will make you skinny
2. There is no surgery that will make (or keep) you thin
3. Eating right is the only way to be healthy
4. Exercise is a key component in your weight loss goals

So I am back to trying hard to get away from too many carbs and portion sizes that are too big.  Once again starting to exercise 30 minutes a day either on my Wii Fit or my treadmill or my bike.

I do not have the motovation right now to do this but I am doing it.  The motivation comes later on, when I wake up in the morning and do not have aches and pains.  When I can eat a meal without feeling sick after.  That is when I will start to get it again.

Right now I have to fake it until I make it.  That's my new motto for this phase of the journey.

It's tough but I'm taking my 100th 1st step again today.



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