
The begining of dinner . . .

Rice is nice . . . brown not white is right!

Naked chicken . . .

But with the help of these . . .

The chicken is dressed!!

350 for 25 minutes and wala!!


What did you have for dinner tonight???




I have been suffering from allergies for over a month now. They are really bad this last two weeks I have been switching off from Benedryl and Clariton but I can not function like this for much longer, I am too tired to exercise because of the medication, I physically can not do it. Somethings gotta give.

I feel like crap when I don't exercise. I have tried tonight to do it but my body wont let me do anything cardio so I opted for stregnth training tonight but even that was hard to get through.

This is the first year my allergies have ever been this bad I can't even believe that I am still functioning honestly I am tired all day because of the Benedryl but when I go to bed I can't sleep it sucks.

I had and egg white and turkey sasuage english muffin for dinner tonight it was YUMMY! (not that I can taste much anyway) but the hubby said it was good lol! I also bought some weight watchers ice cream candy bars which are delightful!

Well I better try to get some sleep up at 4:30 am tomorrow.

Sleep well,


This one's for you Priscilla!

For my BFF! Stay Strong Sista! We will beat the fat together!

Love Valinda

Struggling to get back on the Hippo

Well I certainly couldn't be getting back on the horse, that is too cliche!! Not me! I will try to mount *he he snort snort* this huge hippo in my life and get back on track. To say I have been struggling is really an understatement I have been drowning.

I just can't seem to get over this plateau I am on, not losing not gaining just staying the same, which will be perfect when I am actually at the weight I want to be at but since I am still quite a ways away from that goal I would like to start losing, please and thank you.

I have started to lose my motivation, this is because I feel better, I look better and in general people are not on me about my weight as much. It is so hard to stay motivated it's just one of those things we all are going to struggle with. This is a learning experience, you need to find out what works for you.

There is not any one thing that is going to work for any one person. Our bodies are all different so is our chemical make up and our metabolisms. But beyond that no one person likes the same things, feels comfortable doing the same things etc. The true way to lose weight is trial and error, not fad diets or pills.

I would be lying if I said that the thought hasn't crossed my mind to try some diet pills you know just to jump start my progress again. You know just a little bit. Have I convinced you yet? I almost had myself convinced . . . almost.

But I resisted the urge because I don't want to swallow 100 pills a day and natural supplements are not regulated or tested by the FDA, also as stated above you don't know how your body is going to react because we are all different.

So I am saddling up my hippo as I type this and am getting ready to get motivated to start losing again, I can do it!



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